What, when, and how? A Production Journal

by The Brewtiful Company

Photo by Nolan Issac on Unsplash

We started with the idea that we wanted to do a promo video for a coffee company. Since we had centered our team around the coffee market, it wasn’t all that difficult to come up with a spot idea. Also, since we all “burn in the Purgatory” that is quarantine, we craved connection and contact with our colleagues. So we decided to put some order into all this chaos, and we wrote a script, and crawled in front of our computers to record our virtual exit.

We wanted to draw inspiration from the current situation we are living in, so we based it on Covid-19 and quarantine circumstances:

“In five different kitchens and five different lives, begins a new day and the main ingredient is coffee. Each of our five protagonists prefer their coffee in a different style, one that suits their personalities best. Some want milk in their coffee, to feel the familiar comfort, and others prefer cold brew in the winter. Our five protagonists, each one with their own mugs, they open their computers and they begin a video call, a group call. In the end, our five protagonists have one thing in common. Coffee, which they enjoy together on an online coffee date!”

As a team that loves coffee and has made it part of our everyday lives we wanted to show people how a cup of this beverage can bring us all together even through the darkest times, like quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic. Nescafe gives us the chance to make our own coffee in the protection of our house even now. Our main goal is to show through an online coffee date you can still have a good time with your friends, cause at the end of the day we can still be together.

The target audience of the product are coffee lovers of different ages who have to stay in their house, but still wake up early each morining because of different reasons like a school morning course or a meeting with their boss.

Overall we wanted to create the feeling of togetherness in times like these where we are apart and isolated from one another. This way we showed that although we are apart, the common love for a drink (such as coffee) brings us closer than we thought we could be!

Our schedule went a bit like this: One day when we wished it was sunny, we assembled our equipment and started recording. Due to the COVID-19 safety measures we were unable to have a day to record all in the same space, but we wanted to showcase the power of friendship, even if there are miles between people, and the conditions at the moment were perfect!

Each one of us recorded their own footage, at their own home, and later that day we organised a video call to shoot the scene where we were all together. Since the video was silent, we were allowed to say everything we wanted, adding to the “casual hangout vibe” we were going for. From there was easy sailing! We put the videos together using the DaVinci Resolve editing software, whose easy outlook and quick learning curve made the transitions and the visuals a piece of cake! Our music expert suggested a song for the background, which we all liked and thought it would fit, so we put it in the video.

However, a problem that we faced had to do with organizing each of our parts, and filming them. As we stated before, we had to individually film our parts, in different environments and different lighting, which was a little disorienting since we wanted our final result to be as perfect as possible. It was something that was a little bit out of our control, so we hoped for the best. The editing however took care of most things, but still it was a hard obstacle to overcome. So, one thing we wanted to improve was the cohesiveness of our video in terms of lighting and filming angles.

Our facebook post, that you see above, assembled around 40 likes and 3 very kind comments from our colleagues, who expressed their opinion in a very nice and encouraging way. When we saw their comments, we felt that our message was spread across them.

All in all, our main issues were the following:

First, we wish the lightning was better and more natural. The day we decided to shoot the video was cloudy and we couldn’t get the most out of the sunlight. Secondly, we should have used more hashtags, which would have attracted more likes and comments to our post, creating a bigger engagement for our advertising product. Last but not least and most important, we wish we could have been together, however that wasn’t up to us.

You can view our video here!


John Reizis Σοφία Α. evadinou Alexandra S

Betty Tsakarestou Dr. Stavros Kaperonis


