Who is ADspire Agency?

Everything started in the first lecture of the lesson Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations. I ( Katerina ) was there with my friend Chrysa. We heard that we will be given the opportunity to create our own start up agency projects. Unfortunately, we knew that 2 people weren’t enough for this. We needed more. So, we started looking for other classmates that share the same passion with us. Then, we found out Athanasia, Stela, Erofili, Evangelia and Konstantina. 4 wonderful girls that completed our team and made us even greater. We talked about our ideas and our interests. But then, Evangelia stops for a moment and asks us: “Yes, but what do we want out agency to do?” and Erofili answered: “Society needs actions, not just another ad.” And just like that we knew that our agency’s personality has to be not just inspiring, but to aspire other people to do something as they see our work. We stood by this and that’s how our name was created. ADspire is the advertisement that aspires others for movements.

This is our mission that our agency embraces for every project that we take.

Our values are based on the morals that we have as individuals and we want to continue this in our work.

Our website and our social media.

Our website and socials serve as a primary communication platform for clients where we introduce our company, showcase our work, and provide information about our values, vision, mission, team, services and projects. Additionally, we’ve included a section with links to other communication channels for our clients to reach out.

Our projects so far.


We developed a follow-up campaign to Dove’s “Turn Your Back” initiative, titled “Face Forward.” This campaign aims to challenge toxic beauty standards, including AI filters like the ‘golden ratio filter,’ and promote the idea that true beauty transcends physical appearance. It emphasizes body positivity, confidence, and self-acceptance, encouraging women to embrace their true selves. The campaign’s visuals, created through Dove’s workshops, showcase diverse women engaged in dynamic activities, highlighting their inner qualities and strengths. The goal is to inspire long-term behavior change and create a ripple effect of empowerment and advocacy.


We created a comprehensive PR campaign to celebrate Novibet’s 15th annivesrasy. The strategy includes engaging internal and external stakeholders such as employees, suppliers, influencers, and customers. The campaign aims to increase brand awareness, drive customer engagement, and showcase the company’s achievements. Key tactics involve a marketing campaign across multiple channels, anniversary-themed events, and compelling content highlighting Novibet’s milestones. Special events, promotions, and giveaways are planned to thank customers and reinforce Novibet’s presence in the market.

The final digital campaign.

The final assignment was to prepare a campaign regarding our
ideal client, undoubtedly we selected Doctors Without Borders, as the
specific brand ideally correlates with our mission, main values and
slogan, “We don’t just advertise, We ignite movements”, which is
always taken into consideration.
Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) is an international,
independent medical humanitarian organization whose actions are
guided by medical ethics and the principles of impartiality,
independence and neutrality. Their mission is to deliver impartial
medical relief to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or
exclusion from health care, with no regard to race, religion, or political
So, we decided that our campaign, titled ‘Hope Beyond Borders’, should
target health workers by persuading them to volunteer for the
organization’s vital aid mission and life-saving expeditions. Our first
action was conducting a questionnaire which turned out to be extremely
instructive and guiding. It clarified that our audience mainly consisted of
workers and healthcare students (medicine, nursing). Worth mentioning
is the fact that the age range of the people who responded to the above
questionnaire was 18 to 30 years old. Although, this range can be
considered quite diverting, we noticed common objectives in the
audience’s ideology; career progression and personal development and
Moreover, evident was the need of discussion related to our strategic
pillars, through which we determined (with extended real actions
included) the necessity to increase brand awareness, expand and
strengthen engagement and recruitment while generating conversation and contacting the organization, DWB. The next step, considerably the
most significant, was the introduction of our key messages. Primarily,
our key message is to grant the audience the opportunity to experience
the gratification of making proper impact in conflict zones worldwide,
while playing a crucial role in providing humanitarian aid alongside an
experienced and responsible team.
The period of time and the mindset of our generation were taken into
accountability in order to finalize the media strategy of our ‘Hope
Beyond Borders’ campaign. Shortly after, we commenced our media
plan by publishing posts, consisting of short videos and photos, on our
social media accounts (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube). The use of the
hashtags ‘#HBB’, ‘#HopeBeyondBorders’, ‘#throughyoureyes’ and
‘#hope_cannot_be_bordered’, was also powerful as it highlighted our
purpose and the context of our campaign. They key performance
indicators were set after.

The most time-consuming procedure was figuring the tactics that would
give assistance to the accomplishment of our missions and purpose.
Briefly, the tactics of our campaign consist of personal stories from past
and current DWB volunteers and patients, a short documentary for
DWB; press releases with journalists, partnerships with universities for
seminars and community events. Naturally, we planned and projected
the timeline of events, lasting from October 2024 to July 2025.
Ultimately, we produced a short video which contained various parts of
DWB videos and designed a motivating poster.
Truthfully, the procedure of outlining a campaign which serves and
promotes such values cannot be remarked as effortless. Nonetheless, the
initial idea of our campaign solidified our desire of achieving something of great impact and introducing ‘change’, therefore it inspired the
establishment of the motto of our campaign, ‘Don’t just be aware, be
part of the solution’.

Evangelia Paliou Stela Pentheroudaki Erofili Tsoflioou Nasiascan Nadina Katsanoudi Chrysoula Evangelatou

Supervised by Betty Tsakarestou

