Wieden and Kennedy presentation -New horizons agency

This semester one of the courses in the department of communication media and culture was the ‘Introduction to advertising and public relations’. Our University professor assigned us to create a advertising agency in order to fulfill the future projects in this course. We decided to name our agency New Horizons because we wanted to innovate in the advertising industry. After the presentation about our advertisement pick from the Cannes Lion 2019 winners the next assignment we had to do was to present the advertising company behind it. In our case Wieden and Kennedy had created Nike’ Dream Crazy.

The firtst thing we did was to visit their website and other websites with information concerning this company. We found very interesting stuff and from the moment we google the name of the agency we understood that is one of the important players on the advertisement industry. The truth is that we got inspired by the company values, work etc and we would love to work in the future for Wieden and Kennedy.

Regarding Wieden and Kennedy history and some useful insights Wieden and kennedy is one of the world’s leading independent creative agency. It was founded by Dan Wieden and Danid Kennedy in 1982 in Portland. Their global network comprises 8 offices around the world(London, Sao Paulo , Delhi, Sanghai, ,Portland, Tokyo, New York ,Amsterdam and approximately 1400 people. Their first client was Nike and they are the creators of the slogan’’ Just Do It’’. Some of the currently Wieden and kennedy clients are Audi, Old Spice, Nike, Facebook ,Coca Cola, Espn , Netflix , Corona , Honda. One of their mottos is walk in stupid which in general means go at work every day with open mind and see everything as a new opportunity to learn and find new answers.

Every agency which has the aspiration to succeed is necessary to have a clear philosophy so we found some exciting insights about their philosophy. A core mission of the Wieden and Kennedy is to build strong and provocative relationships between companies and their customers. Their work builds cultural influence and bottom line value for their clients. Wieden and Kennedy don’t believe in normal and they try to innovate and experiment. Creativity comes from the unexpected ,create something that people would remember and if possible try to interact with them among ads. Their goal is to create a working environment that inspires people to do the best work of their lives.

Each and every agency is ranked and evaluated from the market with their advertisements so we picked two famous advertisements of Wieden and Kennedy and we attached them in our power point presentation. The fist was Old Spice: The man that your man could smell. This campaign was driven be a key insight: 60% of body wash purchases by women. The was launched online at super bowl weekend and on television thereafter and immediately Became very successful. Also Wieden and kennedy wanted to engage the audience so they created 186online videos with to fans based on the questions that they did in social media.

The second advertisements was about Chrysler : Imported From Detroit.The challenge was to make Chrysler again a desirable brand. The idea was to show throughout this advertisement that Chrysler has the will and the possibility to win. The idea means the quality of an imported combined with the pride of American buying. Imported From Detroit was introduced to public on February 6,2011 during the Super bowl event.

New horizons agency members Nikos Kaskampas Apostolis Sifonas Dimitris Margaritis Constantinos Christodoulides and i Aggelos Konstantinidis

Professor Betty Tsakarestou



Aggelos Konstantinidis

University student at Panteion University in the Department of Communication, Media and Cilture