WISE Methodology

We are BrandNew, a team created within a course of the ADandPR Lab of Panteion University. Our team consists of 4 members: George, Voula, Evangelia and Anna. During our courses in Applied & Digital/Mobile Marketing Lab of ADandPR Lab we met numerous of new people. They came to our lab in order to help us and share with us their creativity and their knowledge about Marketing.

Mark Aris, co-creator of the 4Wise Monkeys Boutique Creative Agency, was one of those people that join the courses of our lab in order to share his knowledge with us. Through him we familiarized with the WISE methodology. The initial letter of the word WISE mean: W-Wow!, I-Insightful, S-Strategically relevant, E-Easy to understand. Using the WISE methodology, you can actually proceed at the evaluation of a campaign and realize whether that campaign is successful or not.

At that point we had the task as a team to bring to class an example of an ad that we feel is WISE and explain why using the WISE methodology. So, after a lot of searching and some serious thinking, we choose the following ad of Aegean Airlines:


We chose this advertisement because it really felt WISE to all four of us :

Wow!: At first we watch scenes of London, a big , clean and quite street where there is a small car and a lady passing the road .And then we hear a familiar Greek conversation that it is between the lines of funny and outrageous. But when the advertisement is over people will think for a few minutes “WOW, AEGEAN, what was that? “.

Insightful: What we watch at the ad is a typical Greek street, walking-driving, behavior. All the Greeks are familiar with those type of scenes, were people yell at each other, insulting them at their top of their lugs without caring how those around them would feel with a behavior like that. Most of us have experienced that as a driver, a pedestrian or as an observer.

Strategically relevant: Aegean is an airline company that indeed has a lot of flights and by the time this TV commercial was out, was one of the most economic air-line company in Greece. As we saw especially for London. After that Aegean made some other similar advertisements about Greek lifestyle and how it shows abroad.

Easy to understand: The message of the ad is very clear: “Aegean can bring you to London.” Also at a really low price and with numerous flight available per day.

As it comes out, our advertisement is WISE. All the elements of this methodology are gathered in our ad. For this reason, we think that the spot of Aegean Airlines is very interesting for the audience.

Betty Tsakarestou Diana Birba

Anna Voula Evangelia George

