Working in a Creative Agency for Oreo?

This semester has been for sure a BLAST! Being part of Panteion Advertising and Public Relations Lab and orientation has enabled me to enter a whole new world. A world based on social media, digital marketing, powerful brands, colorful campaigns, and distinguishing advertisements. I cannot say that this trip that I have just started is not magical but I have to say that it is a very demanding one also.

Let me be more specific, during this semester as a class we had the chance to meet many interesting and experienced advertisers, people that have worked for huge creative agencies, pr specialists, etc. That was all very great but what was even greater? Our final, big project that was announced to us….Case study Oreo Crispy and Thins!

Yes, I know…I am still not specific. Well, we had to choose our teams and each team had to work as a creative agency for Oreo in order to promote its new product that was just launched in Greece: The Oreo Crispy and Thin. A very demanding and nerve-racking responsibility that our team had to fulfill.

We chose to make a complete social plan for the promotion of the new Oreo cookie that consisted of two Campaigns, Carousel Advertisements, and a magnetizing video.

1st Campaign-Find the Oreo

As an example of reaction with consumers, we had the idea of creating a campaign competition called “Find the THIN Oreo”. In that case, Oreo page (Facebook and Instagram) will upload photos of daily personal moments of adults’ life in which one or more THIN Oreos will be hidden. In that way, public will be able to make comments about the place they think the Oreo THINs are hidden or suggest another place they would like to hide one. As a result, a connection among THINS and consumers and reaction is created. Furthermore, with this campaign Oreo would be able to show that the shape of THINS is appropriate for someone who prefers a snack easy taken on the go in every daily situation. 

The more personal “me-moments” value is also provided in this campaign as the uploaded photos (where THINS will be hidden) will be part of other single categories-occasions of adult-playful moments like: womanly things

2nd Campaign-It is good to have a variety

With this Campaign, we prove to the potential consumers that a thin Oreo has only good to offer. Oreo has already launched a double stuffed Oreo, the regular-sized Oreo, and a mini Oreo. The only size that was missing was a thin one. The Thin Oreo has come to add to the variety of the Oreo product line. After all who doesn’t like variety? And that is what the Oreo Crispy and Thin has to offer: one more choice.


As part of the “It’s good to have variety” we though to also post Gif Images all over Oreo’s Social Media that will have images of all the Oreo products that have come out until now. Gif image is also a tricky way to attract public’s interest as it is a combination of many photos which are presented quickly and sequentially creating the sense of movement.


An essential part of our promotion plan is our awareness video. We choose to make a video without an underlining message. Instead, we tell everything we want to get through to the consumer very clearly and right away. We tell them right away that Oreo has created new cooking addressing adult needs. A snack that is light and can be eaten fat and on the go. A snack that is in fact thinner than ever in order to fit the needs of the fast pace that adult life has dew to work and other heavy responsibilities.


The carousel advertisement is another tool we decided to use in order to make our promotion more interesting and playful. Carousel advertisements showcase multiple images and links in one ad. In that situation, we used a trick with photos to attract customers to click on our ad. We parted two photos into five same-dimension photos in order to make people feel the need to go to the next photo. In these advertisements different type of THIN Oreo are pictured with a view to present the new product to consumers again.


We believe that our promotion plan is very integrated. We provide two Campaign ideas that both prove that thin Oreos have a lot to give and that thinness in Oreo is very good. In the “Find the Oreo” campaign it is proven that Oreo thins can go anywhere, anytime, they are playful and there for you when you just need a moment with yourself to have a light but delicious snack.

On the other hand, we have the “It’s good to have variety” Campaign. This campaign proves that the Oreo Thin is a great addition to the product Oreo line as it gives more variety to its customers and alternative choice. Because everybody likes variety. This Campaign will be accompanied by smart gifs and even the awareness video which as we said can be promoted individually and independently from this Campaign.

Lastly, the Carousel advertisements will add a little spice and playfulness in a sophisticated way and a visual pleasure to the customers. Giving them a complete overview of what the new Oreo product is in a beautiful and not annoying way.

What will be our next Case Study? To be continued…

*Photos, gifs and videos are made by the team-Copying any of them is prohibited*

The team: Joanna Gkouma, Stefi stampoulian, Φωτεινή Τσώκου, Stavroula Pollatou



Stavroula Pollatou (Student Account)

Projects during my studies at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture @Panteion University (2016–2018)