…Because young voices can alter the world!

We are ‘Artico’, the Article Community. The first community for Journalism- university students in Greece. Most students that have been through internships during their studies have confront numerous problems that give them the wrong impression of how article writing should be done. That is why we are aiming to create a site under the supervision of big Universities that “host” Journalism and Communication departments .As a result media students can finally experience how it is to have the opportunity to publish real journalistic work.

Our community and media platform ‘ArtiCo’ will encourage and insist an inspiration for every (media) student.It is going to be like a consultant because is going to provide helpful innovative subjects, unique issues and contents for their everyday university and personal life.Moreover, these young journalists will have the chance to ‘hone’ their writing, expressive and communicative abilities and skills freely. Freedom of decision and expression is the motivation of creating high level ‘product’, such as the conduction of researches , interviews and the articles’ writing.

In addition, personalities of their milieu and experts will be attracted by the good staff these new generations of communication and media world will ‘construct’. Especially, their professors will be deservedly proud of them that will begin following their first professional steps and see them elevating their qualifications.Finally, ‘ArtiCo’ is going to be the ideal ‘era’ in which talented, ambitious and reliable students could be found by new organizations, communication-media companies, as well as different venues, start-up businesses for the purpose of collaboration and promotion.

http://www.slideshare.net/DionysiaBoziki ( Power point presentation about our edifier called Rory Sutherland)

My team (Juliette Amaury, Ioanna Gkouma, Stauroula Pollatou, Narine Gasparova )and I have just done our first moves into business world in the limits of the subject Introduction to Advertisment and Public Relations by the professor Betty Tsakarestou. Not only Miss Tsakarestou has provided us a lot of beneficial advices during the semester but also has presented us some bigwigs in order to help, transfer much Knowledge and teach us how to deal with a new idea more effectively.For us the most essential personality is Rory Sutherland.

Mr. Rory Sutherland is our edifier! He highlights that ‘ Perspective is everything’. The perspective we create can easily enable someone to trust and accept or reject what we present to them, for example a product, a persona or services. Also,except of the perspective, he mentions that the ‘key’ to success is the good psychology and quality, the creativity and technology.I would add that Fantasy could be a beneficial tool too! Taking these consults into consideration , our goal is to establish a prestigious site ( ArtiCo) where young people’s ideas can be heard, their articles can be publiced and young opinions can finally gain respect.

In conclusion, via the Ad Discovery Workshop we all attempted to get into the corporate world. It was an effort that accoutered all the participants in this certain lesson with noteworthy elements for their social, personal and vocational development. We gained Knowledge, experience,we met and collaborated with students from different places around the world, such as China, France, Czech Republic , Russia, Cyprus and Turkey.

I would like to say that it was a life lesson because i believe that all of us became better individuals. Besides the problems’ solution, we learned how to handle ourselves, we discovered which our limits and abilities are. We became part of a team and learned how it really works in business conditions. But in my point of view the most important thing is that all of us, through our efficient work and the good relations we built, achieved to brake the stereotypes and prejudice that dominate in our societies. I want to highlight that neither the language, the colour of our skin nor the different traditions we are all affected by prevented us to cooperate with each other reasonably.This is something i am very proud of!

In the end, the passion and love of what we do and the mutual respect, understanding and kindness is also the ‘key’ to success in every aspect of our everyday life!



Dionysia Boziki

Student at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. Department : Communication, Media & Culture. Athens, Greece