In the framework of the “Apps, Games and Coding lab”, our team came up with the idea of creating a platform, which helps young people to take their passions and make a living out of it. Our vision is to give YOU(th) the chance to not only watch an event, but actually be a main part of it. And as we say “Don’t see it, Be it”.

Do you want to be a part of the biggest events in Athens, Greece? Let us introduce ourselves! We are YOUth, a newly launched platform that refers mostly to students who want to volunteer in order to gain experience. Basically, we equip you for the future! You simply have to create a profile with all the details that you choose to share and you upload photos of your work. Photographers, dancers, stylists, musicians, sound engineers, graphic designers, can you hear us? You are all invited! You don’t even have to be keen on the above. Event passionates, who want to take part in event developing, we are here for you, too!

The rest is up to us! Event organizers approach us and choose a selected number of volunteers from our platform. Once you fulfill a task/practice, we automatically update your profile and provide you with a certificate that you can add to your resume later on. However, keep in mind that your profile is public and accessible to not only event organizers, but also to entrepreneurs that may be interested in your work.

What makes YOUth different from any other platform? We are you! We believe in you! We believe that only through giving you an opportunity and by practicing what you like and what you are studying, you can actually fulfill your dreams.

Our team (Market Rangers): Laoura Apostolou, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Marilyn Koutonias, Christina Panagakou, Eleni Protopapa, miketrigkas, Marios Joseph

Betty Tsakarestou & Dr. Stavros Kaperonis

