Ziggy Startups

Our logo

Our Agency

Ziggy Startups is a Digital PR Company that focuses on art and creative businesses. We came up with the name for our brand while brainstorming ideas, when one of our members’ cat, Ziggy, walked in the room. Our name is a play on Ziggy Stardust, which is what the cat is named after. Our logo is meant to resemble Ziggy the cat while also refrencing David Bowie, who is an artist everyone in our team admires. This is also the reason we decided to focus on art. Our team members are Ioanna Eleni (Ileanna) Panousi, our coordinator, Lydia Sykara, our vice coordinator, Apostolos Mantas, our Social Media Manager, Irina Tzanakaki, our Communications Manager, and Daria Hitiry, our Graphic Designer.

We are 5 students who all have an interest in art, some of us even being artists and we wanted to create a company that would support art workers. Our vision as a brand is to create a space where artists, especially smaller artists can thrive and grow, find their voice in a highly competitive industry. Inclusivity, diversity, respect and creativity make up the core values of our business.

Cannes Lions 2022 — Save Ralph

In order to choose a campaign for this project, we sat and watched all the campaigns. Save Ralph by Humane Society International (HSI) was the campaign that moved us all, even bringing some of us to tears. We all agreed to do the project based on this campaign. As an company focused on arts, we also appreciated the artistry behind the campaign, as it utilized filmmaking and stop motion to spread the message.

In this campaign, HSI was aiming to take a stand against animal testing and to make people more sensitive to it by humanizing Ralph, the rabbit protagonist. By analyzing this campaign, we found it was very well rounded as well as succesful with the public.

Humane Society International Campaign

Next on, we had to create a brand new campaign for HSI. After researching them and their values, while also diving into the world of enviromental and animal activism, we were stuggling to find a way to connect their cause with the promotion of small artists, which was our main goal. But after lots of thinking, we decided that a poster creation competition themed around animal rights and troubles, like animal testing, the fur industry and trophy hunting would be a great way to connect the two. We titled the campaign “Our two hands for their four paws”.

Through this campaign, artists would be able to use their creativity while also learning about and pushing the message about protecting animals. The winners of the competition would have their posters be part of HSI’s next campaign.

Our Ideal Client

Our ideal client was EMST. Although we tried to reach out to them, we didn’t have a reply fast enough and we had to start working on our project. EMST was our ideal client since it is a space where new contemporary artists can thrive and promote their work. Our values aligned with many of EMST’s values as well. This was the most creative we had ever been in our projects, as we had to build a new, immersive and engaging campaign for one of the top museums in Greece. We created a complete campaign that promotes both the art and the history of the museum as a prestigious institution, as well as contemporary art and its importance as a whole, especially to younger audiences.


We discovered the world of newsletters as a means to promote our work and attract an audience. We created a monthly newsletter that would promote the exhibitions and events of our clients that month as well as other art news or festivals that would take place at the time. It would be a great way to attract audiences that our also not familiar with our company or our clients.

Final Project

For our final project, we had to prepare a campaign for the next year for our ideal client, the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST). This project had to focus on both the future of contemporary art, what exhibitions were to come, and most importantly what did the museum’s audience wish to see. With the hashtag #ArtForward2024 and user based quizzes and social media posts we strive for a future where contemporary art continues to inspire, but also builds a different character than this year, because its purpose is this- to constantly evolve with the times and the people.

Our Social Links

https://www.instagram.com/ziggy.startups/?hl=en (Instagram)

ziggystartups.tilda.ws (Website)

ziggystartups@gmail.com (Email)

