AdOps Experiment: Adsense & Adx Optimization

There is so much benefit in doing an Adsense versus Ad Exchange optimization. As we all know, Doubleclick Ad Exchange offers the most consolidated market of demand sources for any publisher. It caters to almost all types of ad inventory — display, video, mobile, etc. Normally, it is difficult to get into Adx especially when you’re yet to become one of the big league publisher players. Google also enforces its own policies before accepting you into the program.

MonetizeMore offers the solution for small-scale website owners: access to the exclusive, powerful, giant Doubleclick Ad Exchange. Not only that, once you’re a partner, we maximize the most revenue from your Adsense and Ad Exchange accounts. We’ve done it successfully, so we’d like to share with you some ways on how you can achieve this via this experiment:

The Main Objective

Allow the highest CPM bidder to get the most impressions. In this case, we prioritize Ad Exchange.

How? Compete and Optimize!

Adsense and AdX Optimization is the mechanism where we let these two Google products compete with each other for inventories. Given that AdX is the premium version of AdSense, it has a larger network of advertisers and tends to provide higher CPMs compared to that of Adsense. Optimization of these two takes place inside DFP. Split optimization is performed daily to ensure maximum performance.

Case Study

This is a publisher with AdX tags only initially running on his inventories. We set up AdX on dynamic allocation in DFP and AdSense on Price Priority. With the initial optimization, Adsense and AdX are having an almost 50%-50% split. With daily CPM optimization, we are aiming to have 85% of impressions to go to AdX and 15% for AdSense.

Below is a report for April 2016.

CPM rates and revenues have increased significantly since AdSense and AdX optimization were implemented.

Try these tips:

If you want to get the most of out of Adsense or Ad Exchange, then seek the help of the experts. Sign up Free to Doubleclick Ad Exchange and we’ll help you maximize your full ad revenue potential in no time!



Kean Graham
Ad Optimization Tips and AdSense Alternatives

We can upgrade your Google AdSense to the premium version called Google Ad Exchange and help you increase your ad revenues: