How to capture a quick ad campaign screenshot (mock-up) on the fly

Landon Bennett
Learning how to ad
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2022

If you’re in ad operations, account management, or media buying, you’ve probably received this request a time or two. The client wants to see what their ad looks like on a site. First off, try to push back on any wacky client screenshot requirements to save yourself some time, but that’s beside the point. You’ve probably used a bunch of different tools like photoshop or Google Ad Manager preview to handle this in the past, but it’s tedious, doesn’t always work, and is especially time-consuming on mobile. I wanted to share a quick way to capture a campaign screenshot using Chrome or Firefox dev tools, to make this task a bit easier. I hope this helps you in a pinch!

  1. Download Chrome or Firefox if you don’t already use it
  2. Go to the URL that the ad campaign has run on
  3. Two-finger tap on the ad that you want to replace and choose inspect (or inspect element)
ad campaign screenshot

4. Replace the image URL (Img src= “”) or the iframe (scroll up to find the uppermost iframe). Press enter.

ad campaign screenshot html manipulation

5. Capture a screenshot of the browser viewport or use this extension (your browser may have an option for this too) to capture a screenshot of the entire length of the page.

6. If you want a mobile ad campaign screenshot, follow the same process but use the mobile device emulator (you may need to use a mobile ad unit).

ad campaign screenshot mobile device emulation

Other helpful screenshot related tools

Here’s a quick list of some other helpful ad preview or mock-up tools if you just need one quick ad campaign screenshot or tearsheet:

  • Youtube mock-up tool
  • Test-a-tag: client-side ad preview
  • Screely: Turn a screenshot into a browser mock-up
  • Cleanshot X: OS tool for screenshots and screen recordings
  • Ad Reform ad preview and UX metrics: While ad campaign screenshots are the core product, we also give you a way to preview any 3rd party ad tag or HTML5 zip files and collect UX data on your ads and landing pages.

What if I need to capture ad campaign screenshots at scale?

This is a simple way to capture a quick ad campaign screenshot or ad preview on any site. However, with the scale of programmatic or direct ad campaigns, doing this in bulk would be incredibly time-consuming and a waste of your team’s time to be quite honest. Why wash every dish by hand if you can own a dishwasher?

You’re in the business of content and optimizing ad campaigns, not generating screenshots for hours every day. If you’re hoping to automate this in bulk, automatically create decks/presentations of those campaign screenshots, and host it all elsewhere, we built a product at Ad Reform for your team! Sign up if you’d like to try it out. Happy screenshotting!



Landon Bennett
Learning how to ad

Husband to @TonniBennett. Goldendoodle dad. Co-Founder, Ad Reform & Zero Mile. Wofford Alum. Stay hungry, stay foolish.