Pump It Up!

Emily Cho
Ada by Pumped
Published in
1 min readFeb 18, 2020

As we begin to near the end, we are working on our end-to-end integration as well as the ways in which we shall demonstrate our innovation.

In terms of our end-to-end integration, we have designed and printed our custom connector parts in order to put the whole system together. We have connected the whole device so that the flange is connected to the pump and the bag with the photoresistor which takes measurements of the milk volume. We are now working on calibrating that sensor to get accurate measurements. Additionally, we are continuing work on the algorithms to give valuable insights based on those measurements. Finally, we are finishing our designs and coding the UI for the home page, the controls page, the connect page, and the onboarding.

Control page designs

In terms of our demo, we are thinking about the way to best demonstrate our algorithms. We are thinking about different data visualization techniques we could use in order to display the preventative pumping monitoring, the pump power optimization, and the pumping session recommendations. As well, we are thinking about the best way to display the physical device.

