Mochi Media Acquired by Shanda Games for $80 Million

Ada Chen Rekhi
Ada Chen Rekhi
Published in
1 min readJan 12, 2010

Last night my company Mochi Media announced our acquisition by Shanda Games for $80 million. I am THRILLED about the deal and am really honored to be part of this experience.

It’s been nearly 3 years since I joined Mochi Media, and it was one of the easiest decisions for me to make. I practically begged Jameson to sign me up and move out there. At the time, I was leaving Microsoft and headed to SF with my now-fiance Sachin Rekhi. Throughout my search, I ended up speaking with over 20 companies including Jameson thanks to my brother Andrew Chen. Mochi was a stand-out company even as only a handful of people on a couple of IKEA desks :)

As founders, Jameson and Bob are both genuine, passionate people who are truly building their business because they believe in the opportunity and love the games space. It’s rare to find people as authentic and committed as they are, and it really shows in the quality of team and company they have put together.

Congrats to the whole team and thank you to everyone who has helped us get to where we are today!

