ADA Handle Partners with Ergo

Mr. Goose
ADA Handle
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


We are beyond excited to announce our newest partnership with Ergo. Ergo is an economic-ready smart contract-enabled blockchain that combines components of both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Ergo was built for long term sustainability and stability via economically-efficient incentive mechanisms for blockchain consensus and security.

Ergo uses a novel consensus mechanism that is very similar to Ethereum and Bitcoin called Autolykos. Autolykos is a Proof-Of-Work consensus algorithm with provably high security guarantees in addition to updated models of security, sustainability, and compatibility through mechanisms like memory-hard-reduction, storage rent, and Sigma Protocols.

Ergo and Cardano

Ergo and Cardano are aligned in many ways in regards to the way they both pursue economic fairness, trustlessness and decentralization. Cardano and Ergo are built with many of the same principles which ultimately led to having the same accounting model. Both platforms utilize a more expressive version of Bitcoin’s UTxO model called eUTxO or Extended-UTxO.

This model has shown to be more scalable, less intensive, and more composable than Ethereum’s Account model, which is most prevalent in the smart contract space.

The Partnership

The ADA Handle product was built with in-depth knowledge of the infrastructure of Cardano which translates very well to Ergo. Handles are an NFT-powered naming solution for all UTxO blockchains, starting on Cardano.

It has always been, from the very start, to begin our journey of interoperability with Ergo.

We will work alongside the brilliant business development team at Ergo, led by Joseph Armeanio, we can help aid in the buildout of important NFT-powered identity products. Joseph is joined by Daniel Friedman who is the current Manager of Business Development at Input Output Hong Kong and a Strategic Advisor for Ergo. Daniel Friedman helped launch the Atala Prism suite of identity products on Cardano.

ADA Handle will work closely with projects and entities building in the Ergo ecosystem to incorporate their identity technology into various applications and streamline current wallet and application design for the Ergo community — colloquially the Ergonauts.

ADA Handle will work alongside the business development team to promote the Handle Standard on Ergo. We will explore the option of starting that integration with Nautilus Wallet.

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We couldn’t be more excited to work with Ergo! For inquiries, please email



Mr. Goose
ADA Handle

Just a bird with a vendetta to tear ownership from the grips of tycoons and place it in the hands of the people.