Welcoming Cami to Ada Ventures

Francesca (Check) Warner
Ada Ventures
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2023
The Ada Ventures team — from left to right, Cami, Check, Matt, Diarra, Xun

Last month we welcomed Cami Zattar (she/ her) to the Ada Ventures team. Cami is off to a flying start and we wanted to introduce her properly to the community and share more about her role and how we hired her.

What was the process that led to hiring?

We first published this blog across our social channels about the decision to hire an investment associate into the team on the 13th of September 2022.

As part of our commitment to running an open and fair process, we used Applied to source, test and screen applicants blindly, without CVs. Applications closed in November 2022, and during December we did numerous interviews over four rounds with some truly exceptional candidates before narrowing the field down to pick Cami. We are thrilled that she accepted the offer to join the Ada team, bringing the full time team to five people.

Camila Zattar — Ada Ventures Associate

Meeting Camila (or Cami to her friends) on zoom for the first time was a real breath of fresh air. She was curious, passionate, humble and hungry to learn. A lot of the qualities that were on our Associate scorecard. Cami grew up in Brazil where she swam in the National team. She developed a deep curiosity about technology growing up which was fostered at UC Berkeley which she got a scholarship to study. After college Cami worked at Credit Suisse doing leveraged finance on the West Coast, with a particular focus on technology companies. After leaving Credit Suisse Cami worked at a London-based PE firm on the investment team. Prior to joining Ada Ventures as an associate, Cami worked at Founders Factory where she supported founders with their fundraises and looked for companies for the sector focused programmes.

Cami has joined Ada to lead on new company investment sourcing, screening and due diligence. She is passionate about health and wellbeing and will be working across the three themes that we invest in at Ada — Healthcare & Ageing, Climate and Economic Empowerment.

A few fun facts about Cami so you can get to know her better:

She’ll happily go on (very) long tangents about anything sportstech, wellness, mental health or longevity related. In her free time, you might find her reading investigative journalism books, playing the piano and staring at people’s dogs.

We are thrilled to have Cami in the team and look forward to introducing her properly to the community soon.


As part of our commitment to transparency and inclusion, we collect diversity stats for the Ada Ventures team. These are aggregated and listed below:

  • 60% women
  • 40% ethnic minorities
  • 20% identify as being neurodiverse
  • 20% identify as LGBTQ+
  • 20% received income support for school or university
  • 20% where neither parent went to university



Francesca (Check) Warner
Ada Ventures

Partner, Ada Ventures. Investing in breakthrough ideas for the hardest problems we face. Co-founder & CEO of Diversity VC. www.adaventures.com