AdaCards Weekly Update (6 Sep 2021)
This week, we successfully launched AdaCards Series 2! Featuring a total of 66 community-operated stake pools (including Charles Hoskinson’s own RATS pool), this release contains the final Shelley Era AdaCards that will be minted. We’ve released a total of 1000 packs of 10 AdaCards in our card shop, so head on over there to get your Series 2 cards while they last.
New Achievements
We’ve also added new achievements for Series 2 (up to a total of 38). Trade with other collectors in our Discord server to complete achievements and climb the leaderboard ranks.
Fantasy Staking Season 2
You’ll want to get your collections ready for Season 2 of our Fantasy Staking NFT game. Draft your team and compete with other collectors to win prizes! The draft for Game 1 opens on September 7th (tomorrow). You can learn more about the game in our newly updated Medium post.
Third-Party Tools
AdaCards has recently been incorporated into several third-party tools and services. We have our own site on TokenRef. Our Series 2 launch was featured on Wen CNFT and CNFT Calendar. AdaCards are verified for trading on, and trading statistics are available on CNFT Analytics.