Laura Sánchez
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2018

by Laura S. and Yen H. (04/11/2018)

When you think that you have already experienced your greatest ups and downs, life can surprise you with this wonderful Adalab‘s Initiative. A four-month program for unemployed women who want to reinvent themselves as programmers, brave women, women with a lot of motivation and initiative.

Would you like to know how our first days at Adalab have been? So get on our roller coaster because the attraction has just started …

The first day is all emotion, nerves, joy, motivation … Especially, you feel lucky to have been chosen among so many women who have wanted to participate in this wonderful employment training program. We are two of the 40 lucky Adalabers this cohort, out of more than 200 applicants.

But everything changes very fast because on the second day it starts a dizzying speed and a thousand things to do, a thousand skills to acquire such as programming, developing our group website, and writing english blogs such as this… and all in less than 4 months! terror, overwhelm, nerves …

The next day you realize that many classmates have experienced similar feelings, the teachers reassure you and you feel better. “Calm” returns, goodbye terror!

For a short time, as soon as you see the schedule of deliveries of work returns the burden and fear (it will not give me time to do anything right, I do not remember what we studied yesterday …) Meanwhile, you try to stay calm , you enjoy doing exercises in class, you laugh with your classmates (up and down, up and down …)

But the next day you value again so much where you are that you change all those nerves for positive energy and desire to do well, to learn and enjoy this great experience.

All this in 7 days of class, intense right? And this is only the beginning. Even so, after so many ups and downs, we are enjoying ourselves immensely. Future Adalabers, don’t doubt it, take out your fears and insecurities. Get on this attraction that will completely change your life.

And when you feel you can’t do it, disconnect, take a breath and don’t hesitate to ask for advice and help, because Adalabers are your new family.


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Gender Gap

