All roads lead to Adalab

raquel romo
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2018

It’s hard to get to the point of change the course of your life, but sometimes is unavoidable and totally necessary. When you feel that you are drowning in your work and you don’t want to conform with it, it’s time to look the options that life gives to us and we aren’t able to see until that moment. The three of us had a very different life before we met in Adalab, here we told you our experiences and the thoughts that lead us to Adalad.


If you told me five years ago that I would be enrolled in a coding school, I wouldn’t have believed you. Wasn’t that something only computer fanatics in dark basements did? Then a friend told me about this school exclusively directed to women. As a militant feminist, that caught my attention. “But I don’t like coding”, I thought. However, the percentage of adalabers that had found a job after just 4 months was very high, and I had been barely making a living doing odd jobs. So I decided to do a couple of short online courses to see if I liked it and, to my surprise, I did. Three months later, here I am.


Until a year ago I hadn’t thought for a second to become a programmer. My life only had been around one big objective: To become a biologist. I’ve always fought for my dream and had never imagine what would be next. But when I finished my university degree i saw that it wasn’t that easy: there are too many people for a few jobs, so I started to think: “What can I do now?” and my social environment told me the answer. One of my closest friend and my partner suggested me to start programming and showed me Adalab. At first I didn’t want to do it. “I’m not a programmer, I’m a Biologist!” said to myself. But after many hours of pondering I realized that I can be both if I want to, so I started to prepare myself for Adalab. After many tests I demonstrated to the people who work in this project that i could be an exceptional programmer and, here I am!


In my case my brother had been encouraging me to be a programmer for 3 years but i resisted because i have studied engineering for many years and i had a work. It was very hard to leave all behind, but there was a point in my life where neither the job and the money gave me happiness and then i decided to change. Somebody told me about a couple of companies that were dedicated to training front-end programmers, among them Adalab. I was selected in both process but i decided to choose Adalab because i really liked what they told me in the interview. And now that i have started every day i love it more and more, not only for the code: Adalab trains me to become a better person, teachs you the tools that you are going to use in your work. All of this with the support of the Adalab’s team and teachers.

If you want to change your life and you are a woman, Adalab is the best place to do it. At first it may look scary, but with only a few days you really love it.

