Who run the world? Girls!

Beatriz Germán
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2018

Created by Beatriz and Beatriz Germán

Today is a cloudy Friday in Madrid. It is not as cold as the past three days, but it would be great to be laying in our beds, very cozy. But for us, being here, attending the first Adalab class in our schedule (at 8 a.m), in the middle of a few bank holidays, is the best thing that has happened to us in a longtime.

Why are we here?

For us is a very tricky question because, at the beginning of the course we thought that the main reasons for being here were: learning HTML5 and CSS, learning agile methodologies, and moreover, getting a better job than the ones we have had before.

But days passed, and during these weeks we have met very different people with their own dreams, and all of them are focused on facing the reality that in technology exists inequality between women and men, despite of the continuing development or growing in this sector.

So, we ask ourselves again the same question: why are we here? And why should we begin calling ourselves female role models?

Pictures obtained at Freepick.com
  • We are right here because we want to increase the female presence in important projects, which are going to be fundamental for the future of our society.
    The world isn’t going to stop being technical. Therefore, we consider introducing and mentoring girls and women around the world will be the key to build a future with more equality. Why? Because to be a part and to have more presence in this tech community is a necessary step.
  • We are here because we want to spread this female empowerment between little girls and teenagers who are surrounding us, let them know what we want to be or want to do!
  • We are right here because we have no fear of this unequal world and we want to make a difference. Having the power over our lives and raise our voices to express ourselves without being afraid, is the best example to be a model for next female generations and, more importantly, for the rest of society.
  • We are right here because we want to demonstrate that women are able to do whatever they set out to do. No matter what the stereotypes are or what society says to us, if you are determined to do or reach something, do it. This is not about your gender. Tech world is not only allowed for men.

These are our main reasons for being here each morning and for working hard the following four months, and the rest of our professionals lifes.

Would you like to join us and be here?

Pictures obtained at Freepick.com

