“Why I’ve chosen to become a programmer” — by two of the newest Adalabers

Maria Oca
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2018

Our world is experiencing a rapid digital transformation, with job offers related to programming and technological development becoming more and more common. Considering this situation and with a future perspective we consider redirecting our career by learning a new language.

Employment difficulties are commonplace in our country, Spain. In particular, worthwhile jobs are increasingly hard to come by even when holding a University degree. In spite of living in a large city, we have both been experiencing trouble looking for a job that fits into our particular skill sets. But we’re not the kind to give up. We’ve chosen to learn web programming to be able to find jobs that challenge us, and to learn new perspectives. Coding is the kind of ability which changes the way you think about the world. Not only does it pose a complex puzzle which never has a clear-cut, obvious solution, but also furthers the understanding of this data world we live in. And all in all, learning front-end programming offers the simple yet fascinating chance of teaching us something new.

Maria, a new Adalaber from Cádiz

María’s testimony: When we are made to choose our professional orientation at age 18 it is a bit disconcerting, since we still don’t know what we actually like and we constantly changing our minds. Once we finish our university degree or professional training and we explore the opportunities, we finally understand that there are not many job opportunities for us. The years pass and so, we come to think that we were confused when we made our choice or we simply want to adapt to new technology. This is the reason why we decide to learn programming and to experience a radical change.

The world of computers, programming and the people who do this work always got my interest. I would think about it and I say wow!, how do they do that? This work should be very difficult!

I know people who know how to make web pages, programming…, and these people made me wonder, why not me?, it’s a personal challenge and this is the other reason why I choose this road.

Sandra, a new Adalaber from Tarragona

Sandra’s testimony: On a more personal side, I was always a curious child. Not only one who always enjoyed posing questions, but also I used to love learning how to do everything on my own. This passion for learning different skill sets has been with me throughout the years, and it has led me to the career I’ve chosen to partake in today. To me, choosing to learn to code was a logical choice.

Having grown up, I’ve come to the realization that working with others also implies having a fair amount of autonomy. The skills I’m learning now will help me to be able to work in a wider range of environments, alongside people from diverse backgrounds who I wouldn’t have been able to meet otherwise.

Given all of this, we have chosen to become a part of Adalab’s program. We have high hopes that it will help us achieve our goals and discover things about ourselves and this new technological world that we could never have fathomed.

