The Greatest Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself and Your People

Adam Bouse
Adam Bouse Coaching
3 min readAug 31, 2016

Everybody wants to win.

In fact, the number one driver of morale and engagement is whether or not a person feels like they are winning.

One month ago, I launched Adam Bouse Coaching. The reason for me was simple: I want to help teams and organizations win, to thrive. Every team, business, and organization is made up of people. And so for me, everything starts and ends with people. I want to help people like you (exactly you, in fact) thrive at what matters most.

As a leader, manager, or business owner, you want your team to succeed and feel good about their work. Yet, no great leader has ever felt fully capable of solving all of the problems that get in the way of success and thriving. Every team faces challenges: miscommunication, disengaged team members, unclear priorities, inefficient decision making, personal conflict, prolonged stress and heavy workloads.

In order to create a thriving team, you need to see clearly, create a plan, and lead the way.

Having an fresh perspective through a coach or consultant can help you achieve a lot, especially when it comes to increasing your ability to inspire, influence, and motivate your team or organization. It’s not about checking a box — it’s about growth, satisfaction, and success. Fully stepping into your leadership capacity and potential is the multiplier your team and organization needs today.

The greatest investment you can make as a leader is in yourself and in your people. Everything rises and falls on leadership — how we lead others and how we lead ourselves.

So what does Adam Bouse Coaching have to offer? Here’s a simplified bullet point list:

  • Leadership Coaching
  • Organizational Development Coaching and Consulting
  • Personal Development Coaching
  • Emotional Intelligence Assessments
  • Personality Profile Assessments

What would it look like to have a coach? How does this work for teams and leaders? Here are just a few possibilities:

  • Regular coaching to establish goals, track progress, and process the challenges, victories, and growth you are experiencing
  • Emotional intelligence assessments (for individuals and teams) to grow self awareness, highlighting opportunities and strengths in how you lead yourself and how you interact with others
  • Gaining fresh perspective with consultations for recruiting and on-boarding, strategic planning, performance evaluation and reviews, team building, employee engagement, team culture assessments, communication, and leadership development within your team

It’s not therapy or counseling. It’s not a feel-good strategy to build your confidence. It’s an intentional opportunity to see clearly, create a plan, and put your skills, passion, and leadership into action.

I would love to pick up a 15-minute call or meet up for coffee to learn more about the challenges you are facing and the areas you want to see growth in. Send me an email at hello (at) and we will make it happen.

Adam Bouse Coaching offers personal and organizational development coaching. Emotional intelligence assessments, leadership coaching, and team training are just a few of the tools available. Find more info at or send me an email —



Adam Bouse
Adam Bouse Coaching

Coach at 15Five. Contemplative. Creator. Subscribed to too many podcasts.