Why Receiving a Compliment Can Be So Damn Hard For Some People

And a few strategies for receiving compliments with grace

Adam Murauskas
Adam & Rebecca Murauskas


Woman with book over her face. Adam Murauskas. Relationship Coach. FixYourPicker.com. Dating Coach. Anxious attachment. Avoidant attachment. Disorganized attachment. Attachment style. Attachment theory.
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Some people have a difficult time receiving a compliment.

Maybe they deflect, “Naw, it’s no big deal, really.”

Sometimes they flip the compliment back on the other person, “No, you’re the real MVP.”

They minimize, “Just doing my job, ma’am.”

Then there’s self-deprecation (essentially wiping your ass with someone’s kind words). “Who me? No way. I’m terrible.”

They might even smack a compliment right out of the air, “No, I can’t take credit for that.”

People change topics, run away, sweep gratitude under the rug, and do all manner of baffling stuff to avoid actually receiving a compliment. But why? It just doesn’t make any sense.

Reasons to Avoid Receiving a Compliment

1. Fear of Vulnerability

Joy, love, and gratitude are super vulnerable. They can be downright terrifying.

Certainly you know some people that are deeply committed to being negative, pessimistic, cynical, and complainy all the time, yes? As Virginia Satir once pointed out, “People prefer…

