The Diabetic Cyborg Life 03/31: Trump Plans to Lose!

Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
2 min readMar 31, 2024

Trump is planning to lose the election in November because then they can rile up their base and overthrow, I.E. insurrect, the government. Just as he did in 2020, he’s planting the idea in his followers’ heads that he will be cheated again in 2024. A check on the 2016 election, and even the 2012 election, also shows he was very much into saying and planting the same idea in his people’s heads.

This sociopath has no regard for the truth or facts of elections or how his words have killed people and hurt our democracy on a whole. Public trust in elections is required for a democracy to function. The view that any election he loses is rigged is just further proof he never should’ve ever been allowed on the ticket to start with.

Accepting one’s loss in a democracy with a concession of the loss is a cornerstone of a democracy.

A society accepting the win of one candidate and living with the voters of another way of living and thinking was the state of American politics for over 260 years.

One man and one base’s grievances can’t unmake our democracy, we will live on, and Trump will lose as his rhetoric tells us he’s already planning to have another insurrection after November.



Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg

Muslim, Swifty, Optimist, US/Af.Am. History Instructor. Conscientious objector. Happily 💍 since 10/6/21 & 1/17/22. Here since 2016