The Diabetic Cyborg Life 05/06: Showy Loser Faces Jail for Breaking the law Again

Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
1 min readMay 6, 2024


Illustration by me.

The NPR headline says it all.

“Trump fined $1,000 for violating gag order again and threatened with jail time.”

He will play it up for and claim persecution, when in reality he should’ve seen a jail cell after breaking it the first time. His non-stop mental illness is the biggest case of narcissism for a former POTUS ever. Not even Richard Nixon was all about breaking laws as much as this multiple time loser.

Realize that you are not nearly as popular as your inflated ego and people claim that you are. They are trying to catch the dollars as they fall while the officials drag your loser self to prison. There in one place where people like you belong.

That is prison then hell beyond that.

Take solace that your doctors are milking your living corpse for every penny they can milk out of you.

You sons and them will likely Weekend at Bernie’s your dead body and do fundraising events well after you are dead.

Rest in peace whenever you do expire, because the place you are headed knows no mercy beyond the null void of the forgotten.



Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg

Muslim, Swifty, Optimist, Hist/Poli. Sci. Instructor. Conscientious objector to all Happily 💍 since 10/6/21 & 1/17/22. Here since 2016