My Body Needs Me

Adam Cole Shapiro
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2018

My body needs me to notice, listen, and respond to it.
To accept it and just let it be.
To feel, touch, hear, taste, smell, and see.
To move it up, move it down, and move all it around.

My body needs me to nourish it with good food and plenty of water.
To relax and release tension.
To sit and stand upright.
To rest and sleep.

My body needs me to smile and laugh.
To cuddle, caress, stimulate and sensuate.
To feel the warmth of the sun and all its living things.
To get dirty and be clean.

My body needs me to dance and sing.
To put it to good use.
To think good thoughts.

My body needs me to suffer with more ease.
To express my creativity.
To try new things.

My body needs me to lend a helping hand.
To love others unconditionally.
To love myself unconditionally.

My body needs me to take deep breaths,
One after another
Until I feel better.

