How to make ARC in Korea (2020 Update)

ADAPKO - Adapt to Korea
Published in
9 min readApr 17, 2020

I think you’ll agree with me when I say:

It’s REALLY annoying to get documents done in foreign country.

Well, it turns out, Korea isn’t different, getting the visa done wasn’t the final step.

In fact, there’s one more necessary document that needed to be done: ‘the ARC’.

Here, we’ve organized simple actionable way to get ARC done, with this guide, your annoyance of getting the documents done will loosen up completely.

Let’s check it out!

Following contents are:

What is ARC

How to make ARC: Required Documents & Registering Procedures

How to Renew or Reissue ARC

What is ARC

sample ARC

ARC is an abbreviation for ‘Alien Registration Card’, it’s an identification card for foreigners. If you think of your ID card back home, should be easier to grasp the idea. For foreigners residing in Korea for more than 90 days and those who are over 17, you need this and this need to be done within 90 days of your arrival. If you do not register within these days, you will be fined and will not have access to following services:

  • Access to postpaid SIM card
  • Access to bank account
  • Access to Korean national health/ medical insurance

As soon as you register ARC, you are eligible to access all those services. Now, let’s check out the process!

How to make ARC

Required Documents

Required documents have two types; common ones and extra ones depending on your visa type. If you prepare all documents listed below, you will not have any trouble getting it done!

<Common Documents>

  • Passport & copy of passport( Visa page, personal info page)
  • One 3.5mm*4.5 mm color passport photo with white background
  • Alien Registration Application Form: available at the immigration office
  • Accommodation related documents: signed Confirmation Letter of Accommodation Residency or copy of Accommodation Contract.
  • Medical Test Results: this check-up can be done in local Community Health Center(보건소), you can just visit closest one without reservation, the fee may slightly differ depending on which test your getting measured but the fee itself isn’t expensive. At the counter, tell them you are getting medical test for ARC and they will help you out.
  • 30,000 won for register, 30,000 won for the card(ARC) itself: total of 60,000 won, if it’s the first time registering, needs to be paid in cash.

<Extra Documents depending on Visa Types>

extra documents depending on visa types

Making online reservation on ‘Hi Korea’ website

Before you go to immigration office, you need to make online reservation first on ‘Hi Korea’ web. As of 2016, anything to do with immigration office, you need to reserve it online, they do not take walk-ins, so please do remember to book schedules online first. Click here for reservation page and start selecting date, time and which immigration office to go.

  • reminder: Remember to select immigration office that is in charge of your district(-gu, 구), otherwise your effort will go in vain.

At the immigration office

On the scheduled time and date, you will visit the immigration office. However, due to excessive amount of immigration works, you may have to wait a bit longer.

Once you enter the office follow these steps:

  • Go to ATM machine

You must pay the commission for the ARC registering process first at the ATM.

Select English and select ‘Pay ARC commission’ button.

Only cash is available.

You must keep the receipt which you need to submit at the counter when registering.

  • Fill out ‘Alien Registration Application Form’ which is available at the office.
  • Wait until your number is called.
  • Submit all the documents.
  • Choose whether you want the ARC to be delivered or come back to receive.

delivery requires extra fee and some of the office may not offer the service.

The issuance process normally takes at least 2 weeks, if long, it may take about a month. You can check the state of issuance on website at ‘Application Results’ category, however, this service is only offered for members of the web, so if you want to check, remember to sign up. The office will notify you, once it’s issued, so you don’t need to be worried about being omitted. Though, there are other things you need to be aware of, the next section will elaborate the reminders, so keep it up!

What to be aware of

There are three main things to be aware of, one is what’s going to happen if you do not register ARC on time and the other is should you report changes when any variation to your circumstance happens after getting ARC. The last is returning your ARC when leaving the country.

For the first matter, the answer is simple; the immigration office will find you no matter what and impose a fine under 10,000,000 won (= 8,000 USD) or get you barred under a year and can be deported. So please do remember to register within 90 days of your arrival.

For the second matter, when some variation in your circumstance happens, you need to register the changes within 14 days to the immigration office managing your district otherwise you will be fined like the former case.

Changes needed to be reported are:

  • Change in name, sex, birthdate or nationality
  • Change in passport number, issuance date or expiration date
  • Change of occupation or name regarding D-1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 type possessors
  • Change in accommodation: for this you can just report to local district office.

Required Documents:

The last thing to be aware is that you need to return your ARC when leaving Korea for good. If you are not planning to come back within the expiration date, without exception you need to return it to the immigration check point at the airport or return it directly to immigration office yourself.

And here come the common question:

Can I keep it as souvenir?

Unfortunately no, you can not. You must return it.

What happens if I forget to return them and leave the country?

This happens sometimes, but you still have to return them. Thankfully, returning it by posting to immigration office that you issued ARC is possible. However, this needs to be done within 14days of departure. Otherwise you will be fined under 2,000,000 won and will have some troubles when you happen to reenter Korea sometime during your life.

While ARC issuance is still under process, what if something comes up and I have to go back home and comeback later?

This case you need to fill out ‘certificate of Alien Registration Issuance’ (외국인등록사실증명서) form at the immigration office or airport immigration office, as long as you fill these out you won’t have problem when reentering.

As long as you are aware of these three factors, it very unlikely that you’ll have problems regarding ARC. Now, you know what documents you need, the process of registering both online and going to the office after and what are the matters to be aware of. These seems to be the ultimate information for ARC, but there’s one last case you need consider; what if you want to renew ARC or if you lose them? The very last section is about these two cases, there no guarantee that you won’t be one of them.

How to renew ARC & What to do if you lose it

Things can happen, so before it happens it’s better to know what to do, otherwise, it’s very likely you are going to hassle into huge confusion later on. First, we are going to look into the renewal process then move on to how to reissue when you loses it.

Renewal of ARC

For the renewal, you can register for the extension starting from 4 months left period to on the day of expiration. This needs to be registered at immigration office that your district is under jurisdiction and either you or your agent can do the apply the procedure, however certain visa types like F-6 has to be done in person. Once you submit all documents required they will start screening and inform you with the result.

<Required Documents>

The process is similar to former process of getting ARC for the first time, reserve online and visit the office on the scheduled time. You will have to wait at least 2 weeks to know the results for the extension, sometimes takes longer.

Reissuing ARC

Reissuing is required in these 4 cases:

  • loosing ARC
  • ARC is too worn out
  • Back of ARC is full and needs to make changes
  • If your name, sex, birthday, nationality is changed

If you are to reissue your ARC, it’s very likely to be the first one or the third one. No one knows what’s going to happen. When you fall into to one of those four circumstances, you need to apply for the reissuance within 14 days, otherwise, again you’ll be fined.

Required Documents are:

As for the process, reserve online at ‘Hi Korea’, and visit the jurisdiction immigrant office on the scheduled date. The whole process of reissuing can be tough and tiring like the first time, so try not to lose it and keep them neat.

Now you are fully aware of what ARC is , why you need it, how to get it and what to report. Getting the ARC is the prerequisite for anything to do with verifications, even apps. So, if you need to get one anytime soon, don’t postpone it, do it now, starting with reserving online at ‘Hi Korea’.

If you have anything to add or have questions leave the comments below or you can just give any thoughts! If you have friends struggling to get one, share the post! To get more information on living in Korea follow our page and join the group!

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ADAPKO - Adapt to Korea
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An organization expertise in Korean politics, culture, social phenomena and trend. Started in 2016, providing local contents in Chinese and now on English.