SIM Card Plans Korea: Simple & Easy Guide 2020 (NEW)

ADAPKO - Adapt to Korea
Published in
9 min readApr 16, 2020

This post is for those who are planning on having SIM card plans in Korea. If you are looking for the most suitable and cost-efficient SIM card plans, you’ll love this section.

To help you figure out the matter, we will cover all possible matters regarding SIM cards.

  • SIM card types : Prepaid vs. Postpaid
  • Mobile carriers types: Regular charging vs. Cost-Efficient charging
  • SIM card plans types based on tendencies: Data/ Call
  • How to open and close your account
  • What to be aware of

Now, let’s find you the perfect plan!

SIM card types : Prepaid vs. Postpaid

There are two types of SIM card; prepaid and postpaid. Depending on how long you are to stay in Korea and what documents you have, type availability will differ.

“what is prepaid SIM card?”

Prepaid SIM card are ones that you top-up in advance and use the exact amount you paid for. The only document you need is here your passport. Making calls and sending texts are available for prepaid SIM cards, however, getting verification texts or calls for apps newly downloaded in Korea is not possible in this particular type. Also, as for the charges, the top-up plans are set higher than postpaid ones. Since conditions all much better for postpaid, why bother to consider prepaid at all? Here’s the thing, postpaid SIM card plans requires other official documents, so only prepaid SIM card plans will be available to you’ve just got here.

“How do I recharge my pre-paid SIM card?”

Either you visit the SIM card store and ask for the top-up or you can do it yourself by sending money to your exclusive top-up account which will be given to you when you first by the SIM card.

“What is postpaid SIM card?”

As for postpaid SIM cards, you pay monthly cell phone bill and it’s automatically charged to your account. Making calls, sending texts are all possible and most importantly when you download new apps in Korea, you can get verification texts or calls. However, these SIMs require Korean cards(credits/ debit) ARC(Alien Registration Card) which you must get if you are staying in Korea more than 90 days. Considering that many of you won’t be having these just after arriving in Korea, you are most likely to be starting your SIM card plans with Prepaid ones. When you get them, you can change your plans from prepaid to postpaid.

“How do I change from prepaid to postpaid?”

When you get your ARC and Korean cards, take them to visit any SIM card shop that provides your mobile carrier service and ask for the change. But it’s best to visit the place where you bought your prepaid SIM card. Even if you adjust the change, your phone number and data will remain, it’s just matter of the terms.

“ Does remaining time in Korea matters to choosing SIM card types?”

Depending on how long you are to stay could also affect whether you can get the postpaid SIM card or not. Currently postpaid SIM card plans start from 6 month plans. If you cancel the plan before the contract terminates, the shops has to pay the penalties to the mobile carriers, which implies the meaning that it’s highly unlikely for those shops to offer you the postpaid plans if your remaining time left in Korea is less than 6 months. However, some of the shops can offer you even if you have 3 months left at most but very rare.

“Then is there solution for those who’s remaining time is less than 6 month?”

Can’t say there is a perfect solution, but there is a way to resolve the matter regarding verifications. When you get your ARC and card, take them with you to the SIM card store and ask them to verify your ID from passport to ARC. This way you can start downloading apps and be able to get verification numbers when necessary.

SIM card types : Prepaid vs. Postpaid

There are two types of SIM card; prepaid and postpaid. Depending on how long you are to stay in Korea and what documents you have, type availability will differ.

“what is prepaid SIM card?”

Prepaid SIM card are ones that you top-up in advance and use the exact amount you paid for. The only document you need is here your passport. Making calls and sending texts are available for prepaid SIM cards, however, getting verification texts or calls for apps newly downloaded in Korea is not possible in this particular type. Also, as for the charges, the top-up plans are set higher than postpaid ones. Since conditions all much better for postpaid, why bother to consider prepaid at all? Here’s the thing, postpaid SIM card plans requires other official documents, so only prepaid SIM card plans will be available to you’ve just got here.

“How do I recharge my pre-paid SIM card?”

Either you visit the SIM card store and ask for the top-up or you can do it yourself by sending money to your exclusive top-up account which will be given to you when you first by the SIM card.

“What is postpaid SIM card?”

As for postpaid SIM cards, you pay monthly cell phone bill and it’s automatically charged to your account. Making calls, sending texts are all possible and most importantly when you download new apps in Korea, you can get verification texts or calls. However, these SIMs require Korean cards(credits/ debit) ARC(Alien Registration Card) which you must get if you are staying in Korea more than 90 days. Considering that many of you won’t be having these just after arriving in Korea, you are most likely to be starting your SIM card plans with Prepaid ones. When you get them, you can change your plans from prepaid to postpaid.

“How do I change from prepaid to postpaid?”

When you get your ARC and Korean cards, take them to visit any SIM card shop that provides your mobile carrier service and ask for the change. But it’s best to visit the place where you bought your prepaid SIM card. Even if you adjust the change, your phone number and data will remain, it’s just matter of the terms.

“ Does remaining time in Korea matters to choosing SIM card types?”

Depending on how long you are to stay could also affect whether you can get the postpaid SIM card or not. Currently postpaid SIM card plans start from 6 month plans. If you cancel the plan before the contract terminates, the shops has to pay the penalties to the mobile carriers, which implies the meaning that it’s highly unlikely for those shops to offer you the postpaid plans if your remaining time left in Korea is less than 6 months. However, some of the shops can offer you even if you have 3 months left at most but very rare.

“Then is there solution for those who’s remaining time is less than 6 month?”

Can’t say there is a perfect solution, but there is a way to resolve the matter regarding verifications. When you get your ARC and card, take them with you to the SIM card store and ask them to verify your ID from passport to ARC. This way you can start downloading apps and be able to get verification numbers when necessary.

SIM card plan type regarding user tendency: Data/ Call

Now you have got the idea of difference between prepaid and postpaid, and different kinds of mobile carriers, here it’s time to consider your tendency and figure out what combination of data and call suits you the best. Following charts will help you grasp the idea. The charts only refers to cost-efficient SIM card plans, due to the regular plan charges differing so much based on what each stores are offering as promotions and terms. If you want to consider regular plan, it’s best to visit each SIM stores. Normally, if you double up the charges of cost-efficient one, you can estimate regular plan charges for the same composition.

Now , Let’s check out the charts!

Only KT, LG is mentioned because SKT offers the higher prices for the same services/ Highlighted ones are the most preferred ones

How to open and close SIM card accounts

“How do I open SIM card account?”

Opening is simple, in both type of SIM card, you just need to visit SIM card stores with required documents and tell them what type of SIM card and mobile carrier you want and what your tendencies are. They will fix you up with the right one. Keep this posting in mind and you’ll know what you are looking for.

“ How do I close the account when leaving the country?”

About closing the account differs based on SIM card types. For the prepaid one, nothing happens even if you don’t cancel the account when leaving Korea. It will be canceled automatically when you stop topping-up for 2 months. However, for the postpaid SIM cards, it’s safer for you to visit the SIM card shop and make the cancellation. Usually, when you take off, the account is supposed to be closed automatically but, there’s time gap between the immigration office and mobile carriers in sharing information, it could take months where the fee may be charged even after you leave the country and in some cases you will face problems with getting SIM cards when you revisit Korea. Why risk it?

What to be aware of

Check whether your cell phone is under country lock before coming to Korea.

  • You have to unlock it in advance, otherwise there’s no way of unlocking in Korea. You may have to buy a new phone.

Postpaid SIM users need to pay attention to how much the datas and calling minutes are left.

  • Even if you use up all the amount for your plan, they don’t block you automatically for using more, meaning this could lead to charging extra fees.

Only domestically bought android phones subjected to LG mobile carrier SIM cards, so in this case go for KT.

  • iPhones are okay in any circumstance.

Each SIM card shops may have their individual promotions

  • Check if one that your are going has one.

Stores that offer English service and have cost-efficient SIM plans are rare.

  • If you have no idea where to find you can check out WOORI Mobile service.


Now you are all set for getting yourself the most suitable SIM card plan. Getting the right SIM card will help you get around Korea in more simple and easy way. Below is a checklist that will help you list-up factors considering SIM card plans.


How long will I be staying Korea?

What documents do I have? (Passport, ARC, Korean card)

Will I buy a cell phone or do I just need a SIM card?

Do I need affiliated services?

What are my tendency for data and calling?

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ADAPKO - Adapt to Korea
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An organization expertise in Korean politics, culture, social phenomena and trend. Started in 2016, providing local contents in Chinese and now on English.