
Karen Thang
Adaptability 101
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

The skill that I am planning on researching is adaptability. This skill is particularly important to me because I believe it is one of my weaknesses. I despise change and that can cause me to prevent any opportunities that may come my way. This skill would not only benefit me but others as well as it would allow you to accept new experiences even if it meant doing something you may not be comfortable or use to .

Some questions that I have pertaining to this soft skill that I would like to answer through this project are, why are people afraid of change or taking on new things? Why are others more willing to accept change than others? Why do people have a hard time adapting to situations? What factors lead others to refuse or accept change?

My goal at the end of the project is to develop the ability to push myself outside of my comfort zone. Do things I would not normally do but will benefit me in the long run. I will measure my progress by keeping track of every event or situation where I broke my regular routine and tried something new or something I may not be used to and see whether or not my comfort levels have grown or decreased. Normally when I have the opportunity to do something new or take on new responsibilities, I hesitate a lot or become indecisive on what I want to do. By tracking how much my hesitation decreases and my willingness to take on new chances, I can monitor the progress of this project.

I plan to achieve my goal by putting myself in situations where I have to break free from my daily routine and force myself to adapt. Some steps I will take to improve this skill is joining organizations to help put myself out there and become more involved with the people around me as well as my environment.

