Leaving My Comfort Zone

Karen Thang
Adaptability 101
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2018

This week I decided to go out of my comfort zone by putting myself out there more. I tend to hate crowded places so I try to avoid them at all costs but I chose to take a chance and went to the Student Union this week during its busiest time. I wanted to go because I wanted to step outside my bubble and as well as meet other people as there are always stands and tables for organizations placed there near the door.

Walking in I felt really nervous and uncomfortable as there was a large of group people walking off the bus and into the building for lunch. As I got inside, I felt anxious but as I walked around the area and also got food, while waiting in line I started to adapt to the environment and became more comfortable being in there even though I was alone. Usually when I go to a crowded place by myself, I tend to fast walk but this time I walked at my own pace, past crowds and multiple unknown faces.

I think it worked because I know that the next time I walk to the Student Union, I won’t be as nervous but instead, more comfortable going there alone and not needing company to distract myself of the crowded environment.

For next time, I am going to try and join an organization to meet new people and have myself step outside my comfort zone in term of my regular routine of just studying alone and going home right afterwards and instead, spend my spare time socializing with others to develop more friendships.

