Not Taught but Learned

Karen Thang
Adaptability 101
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2018

Adaptability is about one’s willingness to change or conform to a situation and environment. For example, Janice Lin writes, “Recognize and understand that change in this world is inevitable. Whether you want to let it happen or not, is not up to you. In the business world, there is constant competition; people are always striving for to improve and advance. On a personal level, people all want to and will move on with their lives. No one can wait for you so, so you will be left behind; that is the reality of life” (2018).

Everyone has their own timeline in life and not everyone is working on the same schedule. The world continues to evolve and change that even in just the blink of an eye, things could alter around you. Nowadays, businesses around the world are looking for individuals that could easily assimilate into their rapid work environment, due to the fact any time spent trying to have an employee adjust would result in money being lost. Not only that, they are seeking individuals that could grow within the company instead of remaining stagnant.

I agree with Janice on he stance of adaptability. You never know when one of your closest friends could change up on you or the company you work for could suddenly enact new policies the next time you go in for your shift. Things change constantly and as well as consistently, no matter how much you may want something to stay the same. Although you may not know what aspects in your life may alter in the future, you have control over how you react to it. Staying the same will only stunt your growth and prevent you from opening your mind to new perspectives, experiences and opportunities. Imagine the person you were in high school and how much you have grown since then. Now ask yourself this, would you want to continue being the person you were in high school, or do you enjoy who you are now?

