Using adaptability in the workplace

Jared Kish
Adaptability: Important Workplace Skill
2 min readSep 23, 2017

I was reading a post on a blog from Gustavo Razzetti and he stated that, “Adaptability is the new MBA. Those who learn to adapt are better prepared to win.” I agree tremendously with this statement because in order to be a good worker, you need to be able to step out of your comfort zone and produce results. You can not expect your job to be a boring , comfortable monotonous routine. You must expect that anything can be asked of you and you will need to perform. I was given a task by my manager this week to quickly make a flyer in order to move some of our summer product. I went on the computer and had to use an off brand Microsoft program that I had never seen before. This tested my ability to be able to adapt to the situation and complete the flyer well and quickly. None the less I figured out a way to create the flyer on a program I had never used before and it affected me positively in front of the boss. If I simply had just accepted defeat and said, “I can’t do this,” I wouldn’t have been able to use this example in a work review. Razzetti also believes that in order to adapt, you must first posses other soft skills such as creativity and leadership. I don’t necessarily agree because I think someone will develop such skills as they practice adaptation. But I do not think they can only learn adaptability by learning these other skills first. There really is no order to which soft skills need to be learned, it is only crucial that we learn them before reaching the workplace. We can no longer rely merely on book smarts and what we have learned from school in order to be successful. We now have to be able to adapt to the ever changing challenges that this new world of work brings upon us.

Razzetti, G. (2017, May 26th) Why adaptability is the new MBA. Really. [Blog Post]. Retrieved from

