What makes adaptability

Jared Kish
Adaptability: Important Workplace Skill
2 min readOct 1, 2017

While searching around on the internet, I came across a very simple, but accurate representation of adaptability. Adaptability is almost impossible to measure in a quantitative value, making it hard to graph. However, we can learn about what makes adaptability, because by growing those skills, we will become better adapters.


The first thing I’d like to discuss is flexibility. I feel it may be a common misconception that flexibility is adaptability. I was certainly at fault for thinking this before I had begun my research. Flexibility is merely just one trait that makes up adaptability. Flexibility is our willingness to take on a change, not making the actual change. If you are ready and able to take on a change, then you have flexibility, making you one step closer to achieving adaptability.

Next is the problem solving. In order to adapt to the situation, you must have an understanding of what the situation is. Not only that, but we must be able to provide a solution to the problem at hand. One of the biggest parts of adaptability is being able to solve new problems we probably have never encountered before.

Reality testing was a new concept to me and I had to go and do some looking up to figure out what it is. I believe, from what I’ve found, is that reality testing is how we evaluate our emotions against our environment and other parts of the external world. If we are unable to balance internal emotions against external factors, we will encounter a large amount of stress. Stress makes the situation harder to grasp than with a clear mind, therefore making it harder to adapt to the situation.

Adaptability isn’t something that we can necessarily just produce. There are other traits and skills that we must first understand in order to truly get an idea of what adaptability is.

