Kevin O'Brien
Adaptability in the Workplace
2 min readSep 21, 2017


Adaptability in the workplace is an extremely important trait that businesses and colleges need to start teaching. Modern business changes so much in terms of technology and ideology that you must be able to change your work and evolve it to continue staying relevant and keeping up with the needs of your customers.

I believe work is extremely important in changing you and giving you core values you’ll carry throughout your life, and I believe that business and work should begin stressing adaptability. I know that adaptability is important and essential in competing in the business work. I also know that some people naturally have better adaptability traits than others because some are naturally better at speaking, asking questions, and working through problems.

My question would be how to better teach this trait in school or on the job. The easy option would be to have a class about it in all the business schools around the country. I believe that would be effective in preparing students for the real world, but I don’t believe that is very practical. I also don’t know how on the job training would do in teaching employees about adaptability. I also don’t know if the profits lost in training employees could be made up simply because of the training.

Over these next two weeks I’ll be researching adaptability and working with the idea that it’s incredibly important to study and work on adaptability. As a student that has also worked since the age of 13 I have come across many different situations where I have to change my ideas and/or work with something new that I hadn’t worked with before. This taught me a lot and I became better as a worker.

For example, while working on a farm I learned how to use many different large machines. Some made my work easier, and some made my work harder. Learning how to use newer tractors that I hadn’t used before made my job easier and I got more work done because of it. The pictures below show the differences in machinery that I upgraded to over this past summer.

