About my blog

Carly Gugino
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2018

As you can see, my name is Carly. This blog will be focused on adaptability in the workplace. Being a School of Management major at The University at Buffalo, learning how to adapt to specific situations will be crucial to success in my career. Not only will I benefit from my research, but others will as well. Any college student who is about to join the workforce, or any current employees facing sudden change may find this research helpful to them. Whether big or small, changes are constantly taking place. The way that an individual reacts to these changes can either make or break their career.

A few questions come to mind when I think about adaptability in the workplace. 1) Why do people hate change? 2) Will people believe you’re a push-over if you easily adapt to any change made? 3) How do people perceive rejection to the proposed change?

I tend to adapt easily in certain situation, but I’m always hesitant at first. I definitely have room for improvement, which is why I chose adaptability to research. I want to find ways to improve myself not only in my everyday life, but in the workplace as well. I intend to research how others have overcome change and adapted quickly. I will also recall past experiences of my own and see how I could’ve improved. Learning from your own mistakes is crucial to self-improvement.

My goal for the end of this project is to be more susceptive to change, and adapt quickly without hesitation. I plan to do this through applying my research to my everyday life. I’ll take notes on how I react in my job currently, and see if my coworkers notice a change in my habits by the end of this project.

I look forward to sharing my findings.

