Being able to adapt in a group setting

Carly Gugino
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2018

The Business Journals has an article titled “4 tips for being more flexible and adaptable” by Simon T. Bailey.

This quote stood out to me:

“In the business sense of the word, adaptability entails being open to new ideas and concepts, being able to work on an independent basis or with a team as the situation demands, and juggling multiple projects without getting flummoxed when conditions abruptly change” (Bailey, 2014).

In this article, Bailey describes how being able to accept change is crucial. Change not only occurs individually, but in team situations as well. Having the ability to face sudden changes without hesitation is what will help you stand out.

Group projects are inevitable in the business world. You will never be able to avoid interacting with others — it’s impossible. Having the ability to accept the fact that your ideas will differ from others is important. Not everyone will have the same views on a certain subject, and honestly this is a good thing. Being able to accept that there are other ways to get to the same answer, or that someone else’s ideas might be better than yours are keys to success.

Bailey’s 4 tips for being more flexible and adaptable are as follows:

1) Think creatively — Thinking outside of the box is a good thing. Not every situation will be black and white. It is crucial to be open to new ideas because having an open-mind will create a more accepting environment when it comes to change.

2) Embrace ambiguity — As I stated earlier, accept the fact that others will have great ideas. There is more than one way to solve a problem and when you’re able to realize this, you’ll be able to flourish in the workplace.

3) Exercise emotional intelligence — Be in-tune with your body and your reactions to certain events. If you feel strongly on a subject, think twice before acting on it, because emotions are heavy in the moment. Having the ability to channel your emotions into a more constructive manner will ensure that others aren’t taken back by your thoughts.

4) Shift focus — Be able to put all your focus into one thing at a time — but be able to change that focus in an instant. If you’re not fully into the conversation or following what someone is saying, then you’ll be completely lost later on.

Bailey, S. T. (2014, March 27). 4 tips for being more flexible and adaptable. Retrieved March 1, 2018, from

