Adapting ourselves for the future

Carly Gugino
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2018

Recently I came across this video that had a tremendous impact on me. Not only for it’s relevance to this research blog, but to my future career as well.

In a few years, the working world will be nothing like it is today. With the advancements in technology, menial jobs will soon become completely automated. As crazy as it sounds, a robot could have my job one day. Having the ability to adapt and change with the times is crucial to my success in the future. Ernst & Young, one of the Big Four accounting firms, released this video about how it is essential for the working individual to adapt their skills and themselves to succeed.

“Successful future professionals will be those who continuously learn and adapt, both their skills, and themselves.”

Self-reliance. Self-resilience. Self-promote. Self-develop.

The ability to be in-tune with yourself and grow with the ever-changing world, is how you’ll succeed.

After watching this video, I decided to apply this concept to my own life. I’ve watched a few other similar videos this week, because honestly they have such a big impact on me. Recently, I’ve found myself studying harder and putting more focus into my studies. My thoughts are: If I don’t understand the general concepts now, I’m never going to be able to apply what I’ve learned to the real world. For me, self-development is self-knowledge. Having the ability to grow and learn is incredibly important to me. At my age I should be a sponge; soaking up every piece of knowledge I can.

As of right now, I feel extremely motivated for the future. Although I‘m always striving for good grades, my current focus is on actually understanding what I’m doing. With that, I believe my grades will reflect my hard work.

I’m excited to grow and surpass all the robots in my way!

