Do Not Fear — Blockchain Will Soothe Your Worries

While holding abusive people accountable for everything they say, and do.

William Vincent Carleton
Ada’s Place
3 min readMay 4, 2022


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

There’s been a lot of talk about Twitter as of recent. People’s fears about what will happen, surging forth.

Lots of anger. Lots of hate. All backed by fear.

Fear is nothing more than love gone frustrated.

I wish to provide you with some reassurance, because I love you. Sincerely. I wish for your well-being and prosperity. Your happiness arrives in the form of a ledger that is immutable. It cannot be edited. Cannot be blocked. Cannot be deleted. Cannot be fucked with. Cannot be trolled, or controlled by a central authority.

Once something is written on blockchain, it’s forever.

Elon Musk supports blockchain.

So much that he played with the idea of folks being able to purchase Tesla vehicles with Bitcoin. The test is over now, but it allowed him to see how transparent the process can be when it comes to the sale of goods and services.

This is good. It shows how blockchain can monitor supply and demand, while holding companies accountable for its internal processes.

It can also be used to determine without a shadow of a doubt, who is the owner of real estate property. No more messing with falsified deeds, or titles, or arguing over who owns what. The transactions become easier, too.

Blockchain can be used to authenticate users on a social media platform. One unique address gets assigned to each user, and this gets verified via blockchain. It instantaneously allows for a community to point out bots, identify them, and hold the creators responsible for spamming a community.

Same goes with hate speech, death threats, and arduous comments thrown out there by a troll behind a computer screen, thinking they will get away with it. Through blockchain, they won’t.

Same goes with voting systems. When the elections come, each and every voter gets authenticated with a unique blockchain address. This is being carried out already in countries where corruption has run rampant, and it will weed out dictators in due course.

What blockchain offers is transparency. And this generates fear. Especially for huge corporations that would wish to get away with robbing people blind for the rest of time.

The following video demystifies blockchain in a beautiful way, and I suggest you watch it, as it will definitely generate a sense of hope, over all else. It was in response to J.K. Rowling asking for a clear explanation of what it is.

Blockchain forces companies to be honest and transparent.

Elon Musk has no issues with transparency. At all. He wishes to make everything he creates open source, for the world to play with, and make better technology from it, as a result. This scares those in power. For they have nothing to offer. Nothing to create. Nothing but greed to back their motives.

So say goodbye to the days of secrets. That’s not such a bad thing, if you’re honest.

If you wish to make someone feel bad, or hurt, and get away with it on social media platforms, those days are numbered. Not to mention the karmic implications that come with it, it will end.

What blockchain shall do, is force people to face the mirror. To be truthful with self — that most of us have been living a false existence, through avatars that do not equate to who we really are.

Every comment you leave. Every contribution, shall be backed in blockchain and tied to you, via authentication services in the future. This holds you accountable for your actions, and so the more you love and serve others, the more you will have a track record to show how you wished to see the world become a better place. By loving others as you would love yourself.

Those projecting hate will be shooting themselves in the foot. So do not worry. Do not fret. All will be well with the changes happening. It’s to make us all better people. Kinder to one another. More receptive. More empathic.

More human.

“Try to remain truthful. The power of truth never declines. Force and violence may be effective in the short term, but in the long run it’s truth that prevails.”

— Dalai Lama

