The Real Purpose of Fear is to Improve Your State of Well-Being

Reduce stress levels with this simple technique.

William Vincent Carleton
Ada’s Place
3 min readMay 23, 2022


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Stress is a result of frustrated love, transduced into feeling. It comes from a prompter, some experience from the past. Once it is entertained by the senses, whether you see, hear, taste, smell, or fear something that reminds you of a past experience, a lack of awareness of this prompter will generate a feeling that is similar to one you had in the past, but it’s not as intense. This is because of two things:

  1. The situation from the past is over. It cannot be felt as intensely in its entirety anymore.
  2. The mind wishes for you to improve your tolerance to stress so that you survive.

Good stress gets a bad wrap.

Think of a muscle that has been worked out hard. It tears and immediately starts to repair when you stop straining it. Like your muscles, prompters are meant to help you recover over time. Such stress is beneficial, and it’s called eustress.

Eustress: moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as beneficial for the experiencer.

Issues arise when there is a need for repair, and the proper resources are not available (poor physical and mental diet) in addition to not resting properly (at least 6.5 hours of sleep).

Your body cannot tell the difference between physical danger versus entertained thought. Now we shall use stress to our advantage.

Let’s get down to work.

  • Begin first thing in the morning. Treat waking up like a breath of fresh air. A rebirth where you are awarded a clean slate. The moment you fall asleep, the conscious mind shuts off and we access the subconscious mind directly.
  • Before you get out of bed…even before you open your eyes, remind yourself of the following, which was taken from Charles F. Haanel’s The Master Key System:

I am whole
I am perfect
I am strong
I am powerful
I am loving
I am harmonious
I am happy.

  • After making these affirmations, open your eyes and do your best to literally jump out of bed. Offer yourself this opportunity to start the day on the right foot, since it’s fresh.
  • Whenever a prompter comes up that gives a feeling of fear or lack or unappreciated love, identify that this is stemming from the past.
  • Identifying your fear is a sign of increased awareness, which is a form of self-love. Remind yourself that you are improving through this new state of awareness.
  • Take in a deep breath, and imagine this fear entering a bubble, like one that would rise from a treasure chest on the bottom of the ocean. Let the bubble go with an exhale, and watch your fear go with it. You can even pair this with the words let it go. I find this works well.
  • On the next inhale, focus on a scenario that would be the opposite of this fear. Some scenario that you would prefer to happen to your life. Imagine it as real, and happening in this moment, as you finish your deep inhale, and exhale, sending out this intention, imagining the message permeating everything and everyone in your environment.

This exercise works directly with the super-subconscious mind, which is also called your highest good.

If you wish to learn more about the different elements of the mind, please check out this article, including the information left in the comments, as it gives a thorough overview of this technique I just gave you.

Most of all, be sure to have fun with this. Try not to take things too seriously when it comes to loving yourself. Most of the time, a deep breath is really all you need. Though the addition of visualizations can work wonders in terms of carrying you through the day in the light of goodness, which leads to wish fulfillment.

