Time to Eat Your Words (4/30)

Dedicated to those who know not what to do with all their free time.

William Vincent Carleton
Ada’s Place
5 min readSep 26, 2022


Once upon a time there was an internet troll. His name was “F” and his time writing articles of importance was short-lived. For he decided to shoot first, and ask questions later.

But wait…he never asked me any questions. He just shot. And shot again. And again. And took a shot against my father, who is an Honorably Discharged US Veteran, and programmer of over 40 years, a Unix guru, before he had even a chance to present his project to the Cardano Community.

There’s a word for this, it’s called: Defamation. And it’s bordering on harassment.

I love my father. He served the United States during Vietnam. He gave me everything he had, and he still gives, all the time, every day. And he is 72 years old.

Shame on you, “F”. You threw my father under the bus before he had a chance to even deliver. Before the Fund9 voting was over.

This is not good. This will come back to you in ways that only God has designed for you. My father has worked on this project for three years.

So “F” — what have you done to support the Cardano Community? All I see here is a direct attack towards me and my family. And it’s completely unfounded.

That said, here’s my work, dedicated to the Cardano Community, from May 18th, as part of my Fund8 deliverables. It’s a book that’s part of the series Cannabis: Let’s Talk titled:

In The Land That Conquered Death.

May 18th was a 43-page day. The pages are date stamped, and in most cases, time-stamped down to the minute, for posterity.


