To the Woman I Love

On the way to your heart

William Vincent Carleton
Ada’s Place
3 min readApr 21, 2022


Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

“You went and riffed about something other than me.” She said.

“I know.”

“How did it work out?”

“It wasn’t good.”

“And before then, when you spoke about me in the light of love, what happened?”

“I got the biggest response I’ve ever had.”

“What does that tell you?”

“It tells me I have a lot to learn.”

“And yet you think you know the secret to finding me.”

“I’ve already found you.”

“Do tell.” She said.

Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash

I found you here, hair swaying, determination in your gait. Some business meeting, a city walk, you could be on a date. A pendulum does not wait. My heart is yours — it’s not too late.

If I could say what do I see, you would hear the best of me. For I have seen many things: a voice, a turn, a diamond ring. While false things before me do not sing — your voice strikes beyond all reckoning.

I have not seen what I have heard, your face flying above the birds
An angel’s cry, once absurd — for I have loved you in the third.

Photo by Ashley Ibarra on Unsplash

“The third is what you think of me? A witch of positivity? A fortune in captivity?”

“I do not see such things in thee.”

“Then what doest thou see?”

“Beauty radiating free.”

“Such beauty is not free. Free beauty is but alone.”

“I wish not to atone, such weight feels like a stone.”

“A stone is but a thing to me, surely you are more.”

“What’s more is this love’s abound, with so much more in store.”

Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash

“Through me you find a mirror’s gaze, a lifting up of spirit.”

“A fine line, a lion’s roar, three times I wished to hear it.”

“And yet, you do not feel it?” She asked.

“I believe I do.” I said.

“Then show me how once bled your heart — thy lips on mine.”

“I‘ve wished such things be true the rest of time.”

“Such time there is, I’ve waited long, to feel your heart’s kiss.”

“It shall not wait a single beat to lift you up like this.”

Photo by Artem Everest on Unsplash

How sweet it is. My love’s kiss. A fortune found in gold.
A modest life, an honest wife, with riches to unfold.

A single night, for all my life.
A single day, for all my light.
A single morn, forever born.
I am in love. We are the storm.

It rages across the sea.
I store my lust in my cabin.
She sings her way to me.

I am a man whose mortal coils have asked for light of day.
If I were truthful with my love, the night is where I’d stay.
For morning comes and she is gone, I fill my space with work.
I mind a test to sate the rest, before my heart doest shirk.

