Women, You Know Nothing About Men.

Stop pretending when you haven’t asked us a single question in years, and if you did, you listened to no one but yourself.

William Vincent Carleton
Ada’s Place
8 min readMay 28, 2022


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Good men, please know you will be shunned as a result of this. You will soon be told you are nothing. And I am here to help you through it.

Strike that. Before you are told you are nothing in the eyes of the beholder of all things righteous, you will be reminded that you are responsible for all the pain humanity has endured, and shall continue to endure, until you are eradicated and gone.

Welcome to your role, Dear Sir. Enjoy the ride.

Remember as you embrace said role, you shall be placed on a pedestal, not to be revered, but to be made a target, clear as day, for all those wearing masks below to scream, shout, and throw all sorts of absurdities at you from a safe distance. You are to remain silent throughout. You are to be compliant, and take it.

I suggest you have so much fear so that you do not speak. For if you try to speak, you will get shut down. Remember, Dear Sir, this is your role, the one you chose to play the moment you started entertaining thoughts that you were better than women. This is your doing. Oh, you say you weren’t born yet? Doesn’t matter, if you’re a man, it’s your fault because of the way you were born.

You will recall how in the 1960s, like you in 2022, women had no voice. No voice they had, with the exception of a few women with nothing left to lose. They did not care if it led to them being shunned, quieted, and choked out of existence. They endured great suffering for women who were afraid to speak up against injustices happening all over.

Good men admire such women. Good men got behind them, and supported them, and educated them with all they know. Defended them when push came to shove, and women endured as a result of the support they received from good men.

Women still do thrive as a result of the support they get from good men.

Women will not admit this. Because to women, good men do not exist.

Good men know it’s no longer a woman’s job to believe in him. Those days were great when they existed. And now they don’t, so it’s time to accept it, and move on.

Good man, understand you should be picking up the garbage. It is hazardous, and few women will date you if you say you collect garbage for a living. Do not complain about this. Good men should naturally be defending the streets, sacrificing their lives for the women and children they love. Good men should be extracting valuable minerals from mines so that women have beautification products. Good men should be tossing pesticides on the fields. Good men should be doing the hazardous work. They should be going to war, and glorify the act of dying.

Good men shouldn’t cry, for if they cry, that will draw the attention away from women.

You see, it is shocking to see a woman cry. When it happens, it garners all sorts of attention and sympathy. See a man crying, and you know there is either a existential crisis happening, or personal enlightenment. Just watch how women respond to a man if he cries. They’ll try to hush him in an instant, and tell him to get help. But first he’ll be told to get a hold of himself.

Or you could be a man that’s enlightened, brought to tears by the divine source of creation — just know that this won’t be celebrated, nor will any of your wins, Dear Sir. Women will do all they can to keep that shit far away from the news. Tell me I’m wrong. Show me the wins on display. They do not exist, unless they are to lift women up. That’s it, that’s the only time you will see it happen. For everything must be a stupid competition between the sexes nowadays, in this very lost world.

Fine, I’ll compete.

I wrote 42 novels last year. I have every manuscript typewritten and physically in my possession so there can be no denying it. I date-stamped all of the pages. Made sure if it ever got questioned, I could prove it. Where’s my recognition?

Guinness refused to honor my record, which was held by the late Barbara Cartland. I shattered her record of 23 books written in a year. I paid $1,000 to have my application considered and expedited, knowing I would beat the record. It was denied.

If I were a woman, the news would be clamoring in recognition of such an amazing achievement. But the fact that I beat a woman, who was dear friends with the Royal Family before she passed in 1999, means this must be shut down. This cannot happen. This is not the example we are trying to give to our children and all those easily influenced on Instagram and TikTok.

The last thing we need is another prolific male author.

One who has self-awareness. One that can admit to making mistakes. One who knows he is a good father, no matter what his ex-wife says.

For an enlightened man has broken free of his binds. He does not care what comes his way — he has lost all that is most important, including his voice. And he has replaced his suffering with love.

He still has a heartbeat, and so the enlightened man realizes there is work to do.

The correction from the 60s came, went, and tipped the scales to where humanity is now more lost than it ever was. Let’s face it: the large majority of women cannot admit fault, or even take responsibility for error anymore. It would be too devastating because of the incessant need to display an image of perfection. This is what has been reinforced for decades, and men never spoke up about it on behalf of women, so now it’s full-blown narcissism on display, anywhere you go. And men who are influencers also fall into this trap, and cannot take responsibility for error either. However, I would argue this issue is predominantly female.

Just look at the case of Depp vs. Heard and how many times Amber Heard admitted to fault under oath. Not once. The only time she admitted to being violent, was in a recorded message in which she admitted to hitting her husband, and then played it down and mocked him for being a sissy — as a real man knows how to take a punch and shut up about it. Right?

Men, you have the floor. Tell me I’m wrong. I ask you now to speak up. Seriously. For normally I am responding to women. I wish for men to speak, to let me know how it feels, when you attempt to break bread with a woman you love, and she cannot leave you alone with something you did in the past. Not even enough to enjoy daily bread with you. To her, the past must be embedded in everything you do, from now on. And you cannot complain about it. Just take it.

It is you, Dear Sir, that has caused all of this pain and suffering. Didn’t you know that? Have you not been reminded enough?

I, like you, am seen as nothing. A Zero. So be it.

Zero is closer to God than the many.

Zero can come in and face multiplication with a smile, and absorb any other number.

Zero can be attacked, and the attacker will find the same result on the other side. No effect rendered, and now there’s a collection of debt.

Zero can be led astray, only to reveal the Absolute resides in and through all things that Zero touches.

I am a man. I am of zero importance to women. Therefore, women should know, my allegiance is with the Absolute. Call it God. Call it what you will. It cannot be defined. It cannot be detained, or contained, or restrained. It is love, untethered.

The Absolute Source of all Creation is where I align myself more than ever, for there is no place for me on the outside. I recognize this. I am grateful for it. Grateful to be pushed back so far, that I would have no place left to retreat. The only place I could go, was within.

And with this, I discovered an incredible source of power. It was by accident. Not by force, mind you. What I found within myself is pure, unrestricted, strength. And the peace that comes from knowing I am forever safe in the arms of the divine. To know I could be torn apart physically, and destroyed with words, and still, my energy finds a way to permeate everyone, and all things. For it is faith that overcomes all obstacles, and keeps me alive. I place my obstacles in the hands of God. And with that, I may rest in peace, as I’ve been told to be taken out to pasture by those who do not understand me, yet they claim to know everything about men.

Hateful people are phantoms of the past. Nothing more than a #1. The big winner. Unaware of the power of Zero.

For I can place myself to the right of #1, and increase its power an order of magnitude. Or, I could get slighted, and move to the left, make a point, and decrease #1’s power by an order of magnitude. You cannot divide Zero. You cannot control it. You can only accept that you are part of it, or suffer from denying it.

Zero has nothing to lose. It is a source of infinite power. It is constant. Get slighted, and Zero moves to the left, just to the right of this little point I’m making. Now twice, for clarity. I can reduce the power of #1, by another order of magnitude. Just by imagining it. This is the world men are being pushed into discovering now. You have to ask yourself if it is a wise decision. To keep pushing men into a corner. Men with nothing left to lose. Told they are Zero, over and over — in time they find value in this. They discover Zero’s infinite possibilities. Perhaps this has been the plan of evolution, all along.

It is the world’s choice to have a dialogue about this now. I have written about it, spoken about it, and given it more attention than I wish to admit. For we should be loving, kind, and peaceful toward one another, by default.

There is no excuse great enough to justify the rejection of love. You will not convince me that error is more important than truth. Truth is love. Error is evil. It is fear, on display. It is the mocking, pointing finger. It is the angry mob. And fear always identifies as #1. Whether it’s a pointing finger or a formed fist. Trust me.

Most forget how Zero is the seed of all things.

(Edit: 2-JUN-2022 — Below, please find a link. This link is my way of welcoming you to The Void. The place at the center of you where there is no-time. The portal is now open. Here, all things may be worked out, and processed. Here, you will find the real answers to your questions.

Welcome to the Vault of Truth. You may walk in. It is open now. Understanding it may not be open for long. Take a glance into the future.)

