2018 Adbank Roadmap Released

adbank blog
1 min readApr 4, 2018


It’s been an amazing few months of progress and the rest of 2018 is looking bright with our new roadmap.

Below are the key development and business milestones for the year that will mark Adbank’s next steps to making ADB the world’s default currency for digital advertising.

Spring 2018

  • IP revisions submitted
  • Anti-fraud AI data collection begins
  • Beta bug fixes completed

Summer 2018

  • Develop user profile API
  • Launch crypto ad network
  • Ad server integration
  • Anti-fraud AI development begins
  • Adbank 1.0 launch

Fall 2018

  • Develop SDKs for existing ad networks
  • 3rd party integration release
  • Acquired ad networks successfully converted

