adbank joins forces with the future of dentistry — Dentacoin!

Blockchain for healthcare: Dentacoin is revolutionizing the industry

adbank blog
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019


June 5th, 2019: Dentacoin is a truly revolutionary offering in the healthcare space and they are using blockchain and smart contracts to align the best interests of everyone. It’s exciting to see blockchain technology applied to healthcare in this way, which improves the lives of patients and allows dentists to better serve their patients.

Dentacoin harnesses the synergies of a unique dental cryptocurrency, a prevention-focused dental Assurance and a set of dedicated Blockchain apps to improve long-term health, reduce costs and pain and favour all industry stakeholders.

How Does Dentacoin Work?

Dentacoin and adbank:

“Adbank got my attention while I was researching blockchain projects in the field of advertising. Digital advertising is indeed flawed as “thanks to” middlemen and deceptive tactics such as click farms and ad stacking, billions of dollars are annually lost somewhere along the advertising chain. Adbank intelligently addresses the biggest budget-drains both publishers and we advertisers face and I am enthusiastic to see its benefits in action,” comments Donika Kraeva, Marketing Manager at Dentacoin.

With adbank, not only are we tackling ad fraud, but this partnership also allows us to eliminate the many middlemen involved in the journey from the advertiser, through the publisher, all the way to the end user. With intermediaries taking anywhere from 20% to 50% of global ad spend this is a huge step forward in reaching much needed efficiency within the ecosystem.

“Dentacoin shares similar values with adbank in that it believes true adoption of its technology is the key to blockchain having the impact we all know it has the potential to have. As I researched and learned about Dentacoin, it was clear that they were using blockchain and smart contracts to align the best interests of all actors in their economic system just like we do with adbank. To see blockchain technology applied to healthcare in this way, which actually improves the lives of patients and dentists is exciting to see,” shares Jon Gillham, adbank’s CEO.

Dentacoin has a robust ecosystem of products and services:

Visit Dentacoin at, join their Telegram channel, and keep up to date on their Youtube channel.

