Adbank Tech Update: Feb 8, 2018

adbank blog
2 min readFeb 8, 2018


We are happy to share our latest tech update and the progress we’ve made so far with the Adbank community.

New Team Members Announced

Please give a warm welcome to the latest members of the Adbank development team: Marc Spicer and Fodé Touré.

Marc is a skilled full stack developer who will focus on front-end development. He has over 10 years of experience working with PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Angular & React.js, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and more.

Fodé is an experienced full stack developer. He received a Ph.D in the field of Computer Science from Université de Montréal. Fodé will focus on overall architecture and back-end development. We know they will be valuable members of our team and look forward to growing together.

Next Steps For Adbank’s Tech

Since the beginning of the new year we’ve been focused on building the next version of our ad network software. This includes a full service ad delivery functionality, support for advertisers to create and manage complex ad campaigns, support for publishers to create and manage connecting their assets to receive ads, as well as functionality and ease of use expected from a modern web app.

Instead of taking a traditional top-down approach, we are building the back-end core functionality, while simultaneously creating the designs. To continue our priority of pushing forward and deploying working alpha and beta products to the public, we have our team members working closely in parallel to ensure maximum speed to completion and deployment.

Following the philosophy of “release early and often” means we can gain real-world feedback and learning that will drive focus on the core needs of the advertisers and publishers of our product.

As well as developing our core product, we are also creating a similar ad network for use in our enterprise product. This will allow us to work with future clients in creating custom advertising platforms for their internal use. This will allow us to meet the individual needs of publishers who wish to create and control their own in-house advertising systems without having to employ a large, dedicated internal development team.

What’s Happening This Week

This week we have also started writing the token management server which will automatically handle all of the AdBank ADB token transactions for the system. This will let everyone see exactly when, where and how the tokens will get distributed to the founding team.

Additionally, we are building a smart contract to automatically manage the token vesting distribution for the co-founders of AdBank. We will release this smart contract when the first version is ready to start the third party audit.

You can view all our GitHub repos here:

We’re excited about all the progress we’ve made as we go full-steam ahead into the future of advertising.

