BLADE Dashboard

Track the total number of BLADE users in real time!

adbank blog
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2019


The BLADE dashboard is live, check it out here!

BLADE Dashboard as of September 5th, 2019

We are very pleased to see steady growth for both Chrome and Firefox users since their launch at the end of July. In the graph above, you can see the number of installs for Chrome represented in blue with number of installs for Firefox represented in red. With several user acquisition promotions scheduled in the coming months, we’re excited to see what this graph will look like by the end of 2019!

The dashboard contains several data points, like the Top Countries view. When hovering with your mouse, you can see the total number of installs in each country!

The data in the dashboard is updated both automatically from Chrome and manually from Firefox. All manual Firefox updates happen once every 24hrs so it’s always up to date.

Make sure you didn’t miss any big announcements, check out the big roundup here:

And the Big Summer Update here:

If you’re new to BLADE, you can get it for Chrome and Firefox at You can also find out how to earn even more crypto with referral links here:

Have questions about BLADE? Check out the FAQ’s here.

Don’t forget to join the Telegram channel here to chat with the team and get all the news first!

