Get These Tasks Quick!

Earn ADB from April 15–22!

adbank blog
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2021


How do I complete this Task?

We’re celebrating the launch of the new BLADE browser extension with special tasks! This task features a rising start in the Twitter crypto space: TheLondonCrypto! Just follow the steps below:

  1. Install the BLADE browser extension
  2. Click on the “Dashboard” to view available tasks
  3. Click the Task “Follow Twitter” and complete the steps

That’s it! Once you’ve completed the task, it will be reviewed and approved (just checking for bots and fraud!) and then you will see your ADB on the “Rewards” tab.

While you’re there, be sure to enter TheLondonCrypto’s giveaway!

What is the Task Marketplace?

The Task Marketplace serves you quick and easy tasks and rewards people for completing them. But they’re only live for a few days: make sure you complete each task as soon as it’s released! Tasks are simple and quick to perform and the rewards are distributed quicker than ever!

Get it here:

The fine print:

  • Only validated entries will receive a reward
  • Rewards can only be distributed to KYC verified users
  • Rewards will be distributed directly to the users BLADE account
  • The reward is 10 ADB tokens. This Task is capped at 30,000 tokens.

Need some help?

Join the official support channel and ask questions on Telegram here. Email the support team at and the team will help you out!

