How does adbank’s anti-fraud work?

Fighting ad fraud is our #1 goal — find out how it works!

adbank blog
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2019


The adbank ad network has been live for just under one year right now 🚀 In that short year, the team has developed and launched two extensions as part of the BLADE browser extension plan.

New to adbank? We fight digital ad fraud! Get caught up in the explainer video here:

First things first, let’s look at the adbank ecosystem:

There are several parts of the adbank ecosystem but they are all built on the adbank advertising network protocol and all utilize the ADB token. That means that the BLADE browser extensions, Ecig Media, and everything else the team has built uses the adbank advertising network’s anti-fraud measures.

Get all the details here:

So how does the anti-fraud work?

Fighting ad fraud is our number one priority, so we’ve developed several different anti-fraud measures that harness the power and transparency of blockchain technology and AI.

There are two main parts to adbank’s anti-fraud measures: the built-in fraud detection and the AI-powered fraud detection.

First, let’s look at the the built-in fraud detection. There are many types of ad fraud out there and the adbank team has created rules to identify and stop them. One of the most prevalent types of fraud is Impression Fraud which is when an ad is recorded as displayed to a visitor but is not. You can find out how adbank identifies and mitigates this type of fraud in the adbank Wiki here:

Another type of ad fraud is Publisher Fraud. Publisher fraud can take many forms — for example, fake views and clicks. This is when a publisher pays for fake traffic to drive up impressions and their pay-out from the ad campaign. Dr. Fodé Touré and the tech team developed the Publisher Reputation Score (PR Score) to address publisher fraud. When implemented on the adbank ad network, it builds a Reputation Score for each publisher based on the performance of their campaigns (metrics like impressions, clicks, etc.) and a score given by the advertiser. You can read more about the PR Score here:

While we have anti-fraud measures for all types of ad fraud, we don’t want to give away all the details — that would leave us open to fraud after all!

The AI-powered anti-fraud:

The Artificial Intelligence anti-fraud mechanism is very exciting and a first of its kind in the digital advertising industry.

“Modern online advertising networks are built upon an assumption that the
platform will police the network and honestly report pricing to participants in the network. The underlying trust problem between advertisers and publishers can be resolved using a public ledger employing blockchain technology, recording the transfer of value for all to see.” — patent submission

This AI-powered anti-fraud mechanism changes the way digital advertising works. No longer to advertisers have to trust the ad networks are reporting real metrics (many have been shown to inflate the numbers) or trust that the network is taking a fair amount of the ad spend (no one really knows how much middlemen take) or trust that the network is doing everything they can to fight ad fraud (the network still gets paid whether it’s real or fake). With the transparency of blockchain and the power of AI, advertisers will have a truly transparent view of where each and every ad dollar goes in the ad network.

Adbank’s AI is ready to be implemented once the volume of users has reached its threshold. You can learn more about the AI and the patent submission here:

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