adbank blog

centralized information for a decentralized platform

How to Use the adbank Advertising Platform for Advertisers:

adbank blog
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2019


The adbank advertising platform is revolutionary in all the right ways:

  • Blockchain-verified transactions (unparalleled transparency!)
  • Reduced Ad fraud

But don’t worry, all this amazing technology hasn’t made it overly complicated. In fact, it couldn’t be easier to use!

Signing up:

If you don’t yet have an adbank account, you can follow the sign up tutorial in the adbank Wiki here. Be sure to sign up as an advertiser so you can run campaigns.

Once you create your account, you’ll get an email to confirm your account. Click the link, enter the remainder of your details and then you’ll be able to create advertising campaigns!

Have questions about how to manage your account? Check out the Account page of the adbank Wiki for all the answers!

2. Building a Campaign:

First, you’ll see your Campaigns page:

On this page, you’ll see any campaigns you’ve already created. If you haven’t created any yet, this is where you will be able to create your first campaign by clicking the “New Campaign” button.

Learn how to create new campaigns or edits campaigns on the adbank Wiki, here.

2a Campaign Banners:

For your advertising campaign, you’ll need visual banners. Banners can be one of five different formats: image, html5, overlay video, inline video, h5p. Your banner can be a variety of different sizes as well. Find out the exact image and video specifications here.

On the Banners page of your adbank account, you’ll see a list of all the banners you’ve created. If you haven’t created any banners yet, you can create a new banner by clicking “Add Banner”.

Find out how to upload your banners on the adbank Wiki, here.

2b Interactive Video Builder:

Advertisers using the adbank advertising platform can also create ads using adbank’s H5P builder which creates interactive (rich media) videos. Simply log in to the H5P builder and follow the instructions in the adbank Wiki here.

Stay tuned for a tutorial on the interactive video builder using adbank’s H5P builder!

2c Conversion Tracking:

When creating a campaign, or by editing a campaign, you can control the conversion tracking for your campaign.

The adbank platform will provide a conversion tracking code to track conversions after a viewer clicks the ad. The data will be tracked and displayed on the Analytics page:

2d External Tags:

When using the adbank advertising platform, you are even able to use external tags! You can add an external ad platform link for different banners in a campaign. The external link from the banner will override the campaign external link.

Learn how to add and external tags to your ads on the adbank Wiki here.

3. Campaign Matching:

Now that you’ve created a campaign and banner, you’re ready to have it displayed on a publisher website! Matching is an automatic process of finding and linking banners and placements in the adbank system. Matching affects the advertiser’s banner distribution as well as the publisher’s revenue.

Your campaign banners will be automatically matched with an appropriate publisher website based on several factors: Rate, Keywords, Dimensions and Types, and Geo Targets.

Find out how matching works on the adbank Wiki here.

4: Anti Fraud Mechanism:

As an advertiser, you know about ad fraud: it’s hard to stop and it’s everywhere! With the adbank advertising platform, you don’t have to worry about digging through reports to try and spot fake clicks — adbank is fraud free.

Find out how the adbank anti fraud mechanism works in the adbank Wiki, here.



adbank blog
adbank blog

Published in adbank blog

centralized information for a decentralized platform


Written by adbank

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