Introducing HODL Rewards

Earn more, and more, and more free crypto with HODL Rewards!

adbank blog
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2021


What are HODL Rewards?

HODL Rewards allows BLADE users to earn at exclusive higher rewards levels when they hold ADB tokens in their ERC20 wallet. You can earn up to 50% more ADB when completing Tasks and earning referral rewards!

How does it work?

Users can earn at exclusive bonus levels ADB when completing Tasks and earning referral rewards: up to 50% more! The chart below shows the nine levels of exclusive higher HODL Rewards. When you hold ADB tokens in your ERC20 wallet, you will receive the corresponding percentage bonus in addition to the regular rewards you earn!

  • When you complete a task or are given a referral bonus, the Adbank system checks your ERC20 wallet ADB balance and assigns you to a tier.
  • The HODL Rewards are added to your BLADE balance, just like regular BLADE rewards.

How does this fit into the Adbank ecosystem?

  • When users are holding ADB tokens to be able to earn the higher HODL Rewards, they are less likely to sell their ADB, which increases the total number of people holding ADB.
  • Increased user growth will result in more Tasks being completed, which will result in more partners offering higher quality Tasks on the Task Marketplace.
  • Higher task rewards will mean that users participating in HODL Rewards will be earning significantly more tokens than regular users. Combined with the Referral Rewards, this will incentivize current users to bring new users into the system.
  • Adbank will reinvest earnings back into marketing, which increases the growth of the whole system.

The Fine Print:

  • Rewards are not available for under 100 ADB.
  • You must hold your ADB in the ERC20 wallet linked in your BLADE account.

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