The Adbank Community All Star of the Month Program

adbank blog
1 min readJul 17, 2018


Adbank is very fortunate to have one of the best communities in crypto and it’s time we started shining a spotlight on the members that hold it together.

Effective immediately, Adbank will be choosing one person each month for the remainder of 2018 that will receive free tokens* for positive contributions to the community. Adbank team members and Telegram admins will nominate community members as often as daily to encourage regular activity.

Actions that can trigger a nomination include:

Each day members of the Adbank team will nominate one or more individuals who are seen doing the actions above.

A winner will be selected and announced on the 3rd livestream of every month.

Get a head start and join the Adbank community on Telegram, follow on Twitter and be sure to follow the official Adbank announcement channel on Telegram for the most important updates.

*Residents or Citizens of Canada and the US cannot be awarded tokens. However, anyone that wins the Community All Star of the Month award will receive free swag.

