New Adbank Advisor: Ad Tech & Acquisition Expert, Jon Walsh

adbank blog


We are thrilled to announce a new advisor who has multiple ad tech exits under his belt and is helping Adbank by consulting on the acquisition strategy/due diligence.

Please give a warm welcome to Jon Walsh!

Jon has been a pleasure to work with so far and we are keen to continue to leveraging his expertise in the space.

Here’s what Jon had to say about joining the team:

“Adbank is a very exciting opportunity to be part of, with an amazing and talented team who have a big vision and the talent to execute. Through smart acquisition strategy and execution, Adbank will return maximum value to token holders — this is where I will be adding value.

Fraud is rife in digital media, and Adbank are poised to help prevent this. This will make the whole online advertising ecosystem more efficient and drive even more dollars into the system.”

